Chapter 15

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(As always art is not mine. Btw the beginning may be a little angsty but I'll try to make it fluffy towards the end. PS:I very much plan on the next chapter being a smutty one 🤡)

   I woke up in fresh clothes my hair braided back and in our bed. Quickly I sat up obviously confused but even more concerned not being able to hear anyone or see anyone. I obviously start overthinking and jump to the worst conclusion.

   I spring out of bed and run to the kitchen which is of course empty. I start to bite my lip not even noticing I'm breaking skin, oh god please anyone show up. The more I just stand the the more I give into my own thoughts. I tell myself it's my fault if they leave me. I probably scared them off after how i reacted to my mom, especially because they were trying to do a nice thing for me. If they all left that means he broke his promises Toyua left me again. I break down ending up on the floor crying tears I didn't even know i had left. If they haven't all left they will soon and they have a right too, I'm useless my quirk isn't even that useful in fights. Sitting there crying I start to go back to the mental state I had living with her. Why couldn't anyone walk in right now to snap me out of my own head.  No one did I was alone for hours no one came I checked my phone, no missed calls or texts from anyone.  They were gone. Finally at 11pm I get one singular text from dabi saying "I love you little mouse taking care of business, see u soon." I felt some relief, but wondered what the fuck he meant by business.

   He lied its been two weeks not a word from anyone I haven't left bed to do anything other than go to the bathroom for weeks. I haven't eaten in days.  Where are they what if they're hurt. What if they were caught.  My head hurts from how much crying I've been doing, nothing feels right with them gone.  I feel out of place. 

Laying in bed staring at the ceiling wondering and losing hope. I've given up on them coming back, I finally had enough energy to even plug my phone in today. It finally turns on I hear one ding. Looking over I see his name a rush of emotion comes over me, are they hurt maybe coming back.

Dabi: I'll be home soon, I promise.

That's all he said. He'll be back, I check when it was sent three days ago. I try feeding myself the false hope. I go to the main room and turn the TV on. Of course the news is on, that's all that ever plays. It says they've been captured taken into custody.

I need to save them. I make a plan. I will get them back and I will see him again.

Word count: 531

(Srry for the late update I've been focused on school and getting out of a bad mental state)

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