Chapter 16

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⁉️Aye it gets a but sad in this chapter prepare urself⁉️

I set out that night with no true plan fuelled only by rage and headache.

I find the heros hq and truly I'm at a loss for words, I mean we're supposed to be the bad guys but the way the "heros" are displaying the torture of people who have lives too. It's sickening, people are supposed to trust them with their lives.

I find, see his face after weeks. I feel the coldness of a tear but it's a feeling I'm so accustomed too I have no true relation to it.

I look at the roof if I go in through the upper door I can use my invisibility to sneak through but how I plan on getting the oit I don't know. I'm not rational in this moment I'm acting on instinct and anger. I'll save the people who saved me.

All I hear as I walk in is the pained screams of people I love, my family. My friends, my colleagues and the the person I love. Someone will pay and at this moment I don't care who.

I start opening rooms and releasing villains I've heard of but never had a formal meeting with. It takes forever I find them. I find him. But is it too late he's not moving.
Please tell me it not too late.
I can't loose him again .
I tush over too him with my emotions taking over I can tell my powers are glitching.
I can hear the faint noise of fighting behind us but nothing matter to me other than him this moment .
The state he's in not breathing .
I touch his chest.
The chest I once laid my head on .
The chest I traced my fingers over.
The chest the comforted me to sleep .
The chest that kept him alive.
The chest that was now cold and unmoving .
The chest that was burned more than before .
The chest that was bloody .
The chest that was now wet from my tears.
The chest I loved.
His chest.

He's gone.
The feeling doesn't sink in.
The only thing I feel is rage.
Rage that has a taste for revenge.

Someone will pay.
You will not die in vain my love.
Forever and always.

Word count: 395

Hey sorry it's short. Love yall!

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