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Chapter 3-

"I decided to throw a party!" Alice yelled, placing her lunch tray on the table, gaining the attention of the rest of the table.

"Another party, Alice?" Edward asked his adopted sister, bushy eyebrows raised.

"This is the first time Tess and Bella are graduating! We have to celebrate it!" Alice whispered to the table.

She smiled at her siblings as they all thought it over, trying to convince them to get on board with her plans.

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun, you guys!"

"Yeah. That's what you said last time," Bella said as the rest of the table went silent. Alice sighed before sinking down in her seat, feeling defeated.

Theresa looked over at Jasper. He held his book, pretending to study, but Theresa could tell something was wrong. His eyes didn't look like they were scanning the words, and his fingers gripped the textbook tightly. She knew that he was upset by Bella's comment.

Theresa kicked Bella in the shin under the table, causing the girl to yelp in pain, "Ow!"

Theresa and Jasper have not discussed what happened in the past few months. After he comforted her the day of the locker incident, she opened up, telling him how terrible school had gotten for her, but she still kept her space from him.

Although she needed time to heal, she talked to Jasper occasionally, trying to build back her lost trust. Jasper may have hurt her, but Theresa still cared for him, much more than she'd like to admit, so hearing Bella make a rude comment about the last party when he literally tried to kill her by accident made the girl angry.

Theresa shot her cousin a look before looking at Jasper, only to see him staring back at her.

"Alice? You okay?" Bella asked, worry laced in her tone, catching Theresa's attention.

Theresa looked over at her friend to see her zoned out, something she usually does when she has a vision.

"Alice," Edward said, the deep tone in his voice breaking her out of her vision.

Alice looked at Edward, fear etched onto her face.

Before any questions could be asked, Edward and Alice left the cafeteria, the bell ringing as the doors closed behind them, signaling that lunch was over.

Theresa knew that whatever Alice and Edward saw in her vision was terrible. The rest of the Cullens noticed this, too, and quickly left their seats at the table.

Theresa felt her heart race, and her hands started to feel clammy. She only calmed when she felt a hand move along her back, calming her. She didn't have to look behind her to know it was Jasper; she knew what his touch felt like. He dragged his hand along her back as he walked by her seat. No words were exchanged; none needed to be. Theresa was thankful for him.

Bella quickly grabbed her backpack and followed the family, but Theresa sat in her seat. She wanted nothing to do with whatever bad thing was happening. She just wanted peace from now on.

"Saw your locker had a makeover, Tess," A high-pitched voice commented, causing Theresa to snap out of her thoughts.

Theresa turned her head and saw Jessica walking by her.

"Thanks for that, Jessica," Theresa said as she grabbed her backpack from the floor and slung it over her shoulder.

As she walked away, Theresa gripped the strap of her backpack. Something told Theresa that this was only the calm before the storm.

"So much for wanting peace," Theresa muttered under her breath as she pushed open the cafeteria doors, walking through them as they slammed behind her.

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