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Chapter 5-

Theresa followed behind Jasper as they walked through the Cullen household.

She is on Quileute land!" Theresa heard Carlisle yell, causing her to jump. Jasper sensed this and stopped walking, turning around to face her.

"Don't be scared of Carlsile," He told Theresa, "He's just stressed."

Theresa nodded, and Jasper turned around, walking to the family room. Theresa didn't know why she reached for his hand and laced her fingers between his. Jasper watched as Theresa jogged to catch up to him. He looked down at Theresa, and she looked up and smiled at him.

The two's moment was cut off when they walked into the living room and were met by the family.

"Jasper!" Carlisle yelled, noticing Theresa standing next to Jasper, "You were supposed to keep her and Bella safe together at their house. Now Bella is alone!"

Esme walked over towards her husband, placing a hand on his arm to try and calm him down.

"You had one job, Jasper," Rosalie said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, well, Tess isn't the easiest to handle," Jasper said, causing Theresa to glare at him.

"I am in danger," Theresa stated, looking at the family. The bickering in the room stopped, and the focus was now on the human girl, "Since I am the one in danger, I should know."

"Tess, we wanted to tell you, but-" Alice said but was cut off by Theresa, "Just let me talk!"

The Cullens stood still, shocked at how Theresa raised her voice.

Theresa sighed, letting out an exhausted breath.

"I'm sorry," Theresa apologized to Alice, "I am just tired."

"I have been bitten, almost killed-" Theresa began to say, the scar of her bite mark aching as she spoke about it, "bullied, put into a psych ward, almost been killed by a vampire, AGAIN," Theresa emphasized, "and am now being hunted by a vampire who's mad her serial killer boyfriend is dead."

Theresa turned towards the rest of the Cullen clan, focusing on Carlisle.

"I need you to tell me what you know about my powers."

Alice shook her head before walking towards the girl she considered a sister, "You don't want to know this, Tess. Once you do, your life will be in danger."

"Breaking News!"

Everyone turned their attention to the television. A news anchor showed up on the screen, a box next to his head read, "Missing Person," and the banner below him said, "Seattle Man Gone Missing."

A picture of a man in his early twenties showed up on the screen, the light from the television illuminating everyone's face in the darkness.

"It already is, Alice," Theresa said as the new anchor read his lines from a teleprompter.


"To understand what your power is, we needed to learn more about your mother's powers," Carlisle said, handing Theresa a book from his study, "She is considered the strongest witch alive."

Theresa took the book from Carlisle's hands, and Esme walked up behind her, "You may want to sit down for this one," Esme said, putting a hand on her shoulder and forcing her to sit on the couch next to her.

"Your mother has been around for centuries; she's had many children," Carlisle stated, causing Theresa to sit still, shocked. Carlisle noticed this but continued, "Out of all her children, you are the only one we know of to hold her same powers."

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