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Chapter 12-

The party ended soon after Alice's vision, and the Cullen's now sat in the living room, waiting for Bella and Edward to return, hopefully with both Jasper and Theresa.

What they weren't expecting was to see Bella rush into the room angrily.

"I'm not giving her new clothes" She stated, causing the Cullen family to look at the human, confused.

They were even more confused when Edward walked into the room, a smirk plastered on his face. Their questions were soon answered though, when Jasper and Theresa walked in behind him, water dripping off of them.

"Sorry" Jasper said to Esme, her eyes following the trail of water on the floor. She just looked back at Jasper with a smile and waved it off.

"I don't even want to know," Carlisle said, standing up from his seat, arms crossed, "We have bigger issues."

Theresa's smile immediately faltered, worry evident on her face.

Jasper raised an eyebrow, urging Carlisle to continue, "It's not Victoria tracking the girls."

Theresa's eyes widened, "Who is tracking us then?"

"An army" Alice said for Carlisle, causing Theresa to look over at her, shocked, "What?"

"Someone created an army of newborns to destroy us" Alice said, causing Bella and Theresa to look at her, confused.

"Newborns are new vampires" Carlisle said, noticing the confused looks on the girls faces and clearing up the confusion for them.

"The first few months are when we're the most dangerous," Jasper said, grabbing Theresa's attention, "That's when we're at our most uncontrollable. Vicious. Insane with thirst."

Theresa looked down at her feet. She didn't like the sound of that.

"Something to look forward to" Emmett commented, causing Rosalie to smack him lightly on the arm, "Ow!"

"Someone is creating an army of new vampires, and they're heading towards us" Carlisle said, bringing the attention back to the main issue at hand.

Theresa sighed before tearing her eyes away from her shoes and speaking, "Well it could still be Victoria behind this all. She could easily turn people and make an army out of them" Theresa conspired, but Alice shook her head at this, "I can't see who's behind it. For all we know Victoria could be gone by now."

"I think the Volturi might be behind this" Edward said, causing everyone to look over at him.

Carlisle raised an eyebrow, "Why's that?"

"In Italy, I read Aro's mind. He wants me and Alice to join him, but he knows we'll never choose him as long as our family's still alive" Edward paused and looked at Theresa before continuing, "He also has a deal with the Scarlet Witch."

"Which is?"

Edward looked at Theresa, sadly, before speaking again, "She wants to be the most powerful witch. The only, powerful witch."

Theresa felt numb. She didn't know what to say or do. It didn't take a genius to figure out what Edward meant by his words. Her mother, her own flesh and blood, wanted her dead.

"If she defeats our family-" Edward continued to speak, pausing and looking away from Theresa before continuing, "Aro promised to let her destroy Tess."

Jasper looked over at Theresa, worried. He felt all of her emotions at once, they were all over the place, rightfully so considering that she had just found out that her own mother would murder her for her own personal gain.

Jasper wanted to help her. He wanted to use his powers to change all of her emotions to happy ones, but he knew he couldn't. He had to let her feel her own feelings, decide for herself how she feels. So, instead, he wrapped his arm around Theresa's waist, pulling her into his side. Theresa let out a breath of relief, instantly tucking herself further into Jasper's side.

"So, then how do we handle this?" Bella asked. Once she saw tears begin to fall from Theresa's eyes and Jasper's hands began to clench, she immediately changed the subject.

"We take turns watching over your house" Carlisle said to the human girl, "Making sure you, Tess, and Charlie are safe."

"What about hunting?" Rosalie said, her arm wrapped around Emmett's bicep protectively.

Bella shook her head, "Rose is right. You guys need to eat and stay strong, especially with an army of newborn vampires heading towards us."

"Don't call me that" Rosalie said to the human, causing Bella to roll her eyes.

"Listen," Esme said, stopping an argument before it occurred, "Tess and Bella are family, and we protect our family" She said, shooting Rosalie a look.

Rosalie glared at Esme before letting go of Emmett's arm and walking out of the room, her stilettos tapping on the floor.

The rest of the family stayed in silence until Emmett groaned, "I got her" He said, before walking out of the room after her.


"Let's have the girls sleep here tonight, it will give them peace of mind," Carlisle said, directed at his adopted sons.

Jasper and Edward both nodded as Carlisle, Esme, and Alice left the room.

Shortly after, Edward had taken Bella's hand in his own and walked out of the room, not before Bella gave Theresa one last look.

Theresa looked like how she felt. Her eyes were puffy and her face red. She had been told such a devastating thing, yet the others just went on with their lives.

Eventually, there were only three left in the living room. Jasper and Theresa stood in silence. Neither spoke up, both not knowing what to say.

"I can't do this anymore" Theresa whispered, breaking the silence. Jasper fully embraced her in a hug, holding her tight in his embrace.

"I won't let her touch even a strand of the hair on your head" Jasper whispered into her hair, trying to calm her down.

"It will come down to it being me or her" Theresa said, sniffling, "I'll have to fight for my life against the person that gave me it."

Jasper let Theresa sob into his shirt, rocking them both back and forth, as a puddle of water began to form on the floor around the two, but Jasper didn't pay any mind to that. He was more focused on thinking of ways to protect his mate from an army of newborn vampires and her mother.

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