Chapter 1:)

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"This is nice" I drawled and sat on the big fluffy bed. I glanced up at the muscled frame, which was Adam, my class mate.

"Um..What?" He grinned. I gazed into his eyes, they where green, but with a tender spark of orange depth too. He was wearing baggy dark jeans, and a white sweats. His dark voluminous hair was wet, from the rain outside, and our previous walk at the beach this afternoon.

He shook his head. "Sierra..why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, and chuckled. I blushed and glanced around, as in trying to act like I didn't hear his question. Why was I looking at him like that, we were just friends, beside from the fact that I was his math tutor.

"Hey...did you hear my question?" Adam asked again, this time a bit louder, I looked back up at him. And nodded. "Yeah..I kind of did." We both chuckled.

"So..I'm not trouble for you or anything right?" He asked and sat next to me, I pushed myself to the right, so there was space for him. "nah, you're alright." I said and grinned. He glanced around in the spacious bedroom, and then glanced at his watch on his hand.

"It's getting late, this is pretty odd...but would you like to stay?" He asked, surprising me.

"For...for the night?" I asked confused, and slightly embarrassed with the situation, and his sudden question. Was Adam James really asking me to stay the night? And with him? Gosh...

"Hey.." Adam winked his hand in front of my face, I glanced at it, then blinked a couple of times.

"Yeah..I would like that." I said in a breath and looked up at him. He stood up and stretched. He flashed his biceps and muscles, I looked away, embarrassed.

"Great..should I order maybe?" He asked and looked at me. I blushed, at the sudden question, what was with me and blushing at casual questions? Gosh..

"Yeah, that would be nice. I'm kind of hungry." I said, and held my belly once it said a random noise.

"hah, I can hear you are" Adam said and chuckled loudly. I blushed, and touched my heat up cheeks. I fanned myself, trying to bring some cold air to my face. My hair was suddenly clammy against my forehead. I glanced around, maybe here was a bathroom?

"um..I will go order some food, you can use the bathroom if you want." Adam said, he had been looking at me all this time? Gosh..

"yes thank you, where is it?" I asked, feeling pretty hot.

"it's out in the hallway." He said, smirking. "Yeah? I'll handle it, thanks again." I said, and touched my brown long braid.

"yeah, see you in a bit," Adam whispered once I past him.

"Here you can have the last..piece" Adam said and pushed the box with the last slice of pizza. I shook my head. "It's alright, c'mon take it." Adam insisted and smiled.

I took the slice, and brought it to my mouth. I glanced at him, he was looking at me, I had a wide open mouth, this must be looking wrong.

"um.." I said and closed my mouth, taking a small bite. "you're hair.." Adam said and chuckled.

I blinked and stared at his hand, inching closer towards my face. I stared at his face, he was looking at something, my face. I wetted my lips, and gulped slightly. He touched my cheek, and then removed a hair, from my mouth.

"I got you." He said and leaned back again, smirking. Adam looked like he enjoyed my discomfort, did I make a fool of myself? Gosh..

"so...Sierra Ahmed, that's quite frank name to have." He said, and sipped to his soda. I dropped the pizza slice, and looked at it in horror, it was laying flat on the red carpet, c'mon now...

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