chapter 12:)

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Kylie's POV

Another start, with you.

"Oh lord, kylie" jenn my sister laughed as I took another bite of the delicious muffin she had made. Her brown bangs were hiding her beautiful part about her, her eyes. They were grey with a hint of green, just like mine. It was scary we could look alike so much. She was wearing a short blue dress, with a long cardigan hanging low on her hips. I had the same on, just with a black dress instead of a blue one. The whole family had come together to celebrate my cousin Edwards engagement party. I looked around in the huge mansion he had booked only for the occasion, there were two huge stairs to the next mansion above ours. The mansion was perfect decorated with purple and red flowers, they were also hanging two beautiful red curtains on the two huge windows in front of the tables were Jenn and I were attacking the delicious food.

Someone poked me on the shoulder, I made a little yelp before turning around with a grin on my face. Edward was standing beautiful in his grey expensive suit, and the brown hair tousled perfect back. He were holding a glass of champagne in the left hand and Samantha in the other. Samantha was his little sister, and lord she was ready to eat. Her red cheeks were like small muffins, her hair was blond like Edwards, and she had the most cute laugh ever. I took her into my arms and kissed her on the cheek.

"Are we enjoying ourselves  so far ladies?" Edward said as I kissed Samantha yet again. I gave him a nod before putting Samantha back down. He looked at Jenn chuckling.

"Yeah, she is enjoying it on full level" I said and chuckled with him. He looked like he just remembered something, and took my hand.

"c'mon I want you to meet one of my old friend" I just gave him a smile, before he lead the way.

I saw my mom hanging on my dad, he looked like he needed to be saved, when he saw me he winked and my mom faced him with a cute grin on her face. She was really pretty with the same eye color as Jenn and I and light brown hair, her figure was skinny but with curves. Her red dress was fitting, I gave her a warning look and continued to follow Edward.

We walked towards a group with men, they were having their back towards us, all wearing suits like Edwards. Edward slip his hands from mine, and clapped his hands. The group with the men turned around toward us, and I blushed, shit this was going to be a long night.

"Hey guys, I want you to meet my lovely cousin Kylie." They all turned towards me. A guy gave me his hand.

"I'm Jason" He had blue eyes and dark hair, he were cute.

"and I'm William" the black eyed guy said, I took his hand.

"And I'm Jared" said another one, he were grinning like a idiot. I smiled.

The last one were just looking at me, he were looking really good. His blond hair were tousled, it looked like he just had showered. I could smell his expensive cologne, I had something with men cologne don't ask. His eyes were brown, and my, his body was perfect, and the chest of his. Oh my. I didn't realize I was gaping at him, when Edward chuckled and snaked his hand around my waist.

"I see that James have impressed you already, kylie." I looked up at James, he turned around towards a group of girls, the corners of his mouth turning slowly upwards.

"I-I" I begin but Edward chuckled and kissed me at the top of my head.

"You are so cute, I'm just teasing you a little" I grinned and punched him in the guts.

"Okay, I think I'll go search for Briana" His smile faded, and the arrogant Cousin came back.

"Shit I almost forgot, she is waiting for me." Before I could ask where, he spun around and almost jogged up the stairs.

I just stood there, the guy named Jared, laid his hand on my shoulder.  I looked up at him.

"Want to have a drink with me?" I wanted to say no, since drinking at family parties ended really bad for me, but he looked so adorable, how could I turn him down?

A hand snaked around my waist, and pulled me into a hard and warm chest. I let out a small gasp. I looked up and saw a amused James. He touched my cheek slightly with his thumb, and it made me go jelly. I moved away from him, I suddenly felt hot.

"I think she isn't in mood for drinks" He then said and were still looking at me.

"I'm kind of hungry" I said without thinking. He chuckled and I felt weird. He touched my cheek again, and moved some hair behind my ear.

"Let's go, I know a place where we can get some good food." He took my hand, and I didn't even think and just followed him like a lost women in love.

"This pasta is really good" I said and took another bite. James drove us around in town, before finally finding a restaurant which he thought was okay for a "small" dinner. And now we were here. Both sitting in a table facing each other. He had 3 plates for 2, and I already felt bad for him paying, the place seemed expensive, but I couldn't complain about the food.

He chuckled, and looked at me in that intensely way, which gave me butterflies deep down.

"I'm glad you like it here" I felt a blush creep on my face, he leaned in, and moved some of my hair behind my ears. A chill rain down my body, in the touch of his thumb.

"Are you new here?" I heard myself say, and took another bite of the pasta.

He seemed to think about that for a second before replying.

"No, my dad wanted me to join his company  in New York for awhile, just to help, let it come back on track. Either ways I've been living in Ohio forever." I nodded and looked down on the food.

"How about you, has Eddie's cousin always lived here?" I smirked at him calling Edward for Eddie, he didn't like people calling him that, that reminded him of a teddy bear obviously.

"Hey, what's so funny?" He whispered and leaned in closer. I looked up, and saw his amused face. He was really beautiful, like a Greek god. And I know how they look. The blond hair looked like sand in the desert shining like silver in the sun light, the brown eyes were looking like chocolate you could look into all day. And his lips where the thing I liked about him most. They were moving in a interesting way, which caught me off guard, sometimes I find myself looking at them, and not hearing what he said.

"Kylie?" I didn't hear him, actually I just found myself leaning more into him.

"Kylie!" He yelled whispered. I looked up to his eyes. He were smiling at me.

"Oh I'm sorry. I just got carried away." I blushed and touched the food in my plate I was no longer hungry.

"Yeah, right." He said and chuckled.

"Hey look at me" He then said. I looked at his eyes again.

"I think you are beautiful too" I almost fell down of the chair.

"That's what you were thinking right? That I'm looking like a god or something" I chuckled. And blushed crimson.

"No, I was just-" He cut me off.

"Well, let's go home. I think the others must be worried about you, thinking I kidnapped you or something."

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