Chapter 6:)

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Afreen's POV

                                     Chapter 1

"Are you alright?" Ahmed asked me and turned me around so that I faced him. Humiliation took over my whole face, and I cringed at the contract of his skin on my skin. I moved my eyes from his lips to his dark blue eyes, concern were written over his whole face. And I jerked my hand free from his warm hold.

"I'm okay" I said surprising both myself and him, and threw on my jacket, which he was still holding.                      Shit I was late to class, the bell had already rung and the empty college hallway was empty for students. 

"Afreen, are you sure?" his voice, Allah. Why? it was like when you taste something sweet, and a shiver runs down your spine, but that couldn't even compare to Ahmed's smooth melodic voice.

"I have to go" I say and move past him, shoving him against the lockers, his smell is still on me, I have to get it off me before I go home.

Class feels like an eternity, the new teacher miss Hall is a tall lady in her forties, and smiles every now and then, also when she's mad at some of the noisy students. I feel sick, why did I have to bump into the gangs leader, why?

I'm about to begin on the English essay in front of me, when someone pokes me on the shoulder. There went my concentration level.

"Hey, you?" I know this voice, it Ahmed's sister Zafra, she's a beautiful Arab girl, and stunning with her slim figure and amazing taste for fashion. I turn around in my chair and face her grayish eyes.

"why are you late?" she whispers, I can smell her minty breath. I stare at her blankly for a few seconds  before she kicks my food under the table.

"Auch" I yell whisper back at her, and she grins before nodding at the English teacher miss Hall.

"I've heard she has a arab husband, interesting as that is, do you think she will give us better scores?"

I roll my eyes before answering her " first of all, it supposed to be miss hall asking me why I came late, and second shh I'm trying to do my homework" I'm about to turn around when she whisper yells in my ear.

"It such a shame I have such a hot brother, gosh I wonder how his wife will be?" I know she's talking about me and Ahmed, she has been trying to set us up from 1st grade. It typical Zafra.

"Afreen Merhaba, why are you late habibti?" my mom calls from the kitchen. I throw my jacket off on the small counter beside the door, and kick of my brown boots. It still august but it feels like winter, the cold air outside, is so not me. I follow the delicious smell of something nice and walk into the kitchen. My mom's figure is standing beside the refrigerator she turns around when I sit down on the table.

"Afreen, there is a chair right there" she points at the chair I know have my foot on.

"Mom I'm so tired, where is dad btw?" She hands me a glass of cold water and I sip the whole continent in seconds. She scowls at me, before handing me a elastic.

"Put your hair up, and go up take a shower, some of your dad's friends will be over in a few" I raise my brows and follow her into the living room.

"What are you talking about, who is coming?" she begins decorating the table, and putting some new flowers in the vase beside the huge flat screen.

"Just some friends of your fathers, it no big deal Afreen." I scowl at her before throwing my already exhausted body on one of the sofa's.

"No big deal, mom there probably coming to see me?" she puts the serviettes away, and sits beside me on the sofa. "What have you thought about? Of course their coming to see you, your 19 it our culture."

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