chapter 10:)

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Imaan's POV

You don't deserve me Imaan, we were friends, but now we are not."  Malik weaved at his friends, and made his way back to them. I couldn't do anything else than stare in his direction.

What just happened. That was what I kept asking myself, but I was disappointed with myself, because I didn't know the answer.

"are you alright?" someone asked me, but I could not focus I was so confused and worried about Malik, we had been friends, for so long what changed?

I didn't know the person who asked me if I was okay, but I was glad it was a boy, I didn't want a gossiping girl, every girl at this university was the same. The boy looked to be an Indian, his accent was flawless but with a hint of exoticness.

I looked embarrassed at the ground. "yes thank you." Was the only words out of my mouth, before I was walking towards the library.

Everything felt old and cold, like I've never seen it before, but my mind drifted back to Malik's words. We can't be friends anymore, you don't deserve me.

What have I done wrong, why was I feeling so empty, I wanted to hide.

I walked straight into the library and took a spot back in the corner, it was afternoon and snowy outside, and sitting in the corner was cold, but I didn't care, I was empty for emotions.

I took my boots off, and hugged my body in comfort. The silence was too much, everything was so nerve wrecking, but I needed this, I needed some time alone.

I could hear something in the dark, I opened my eyes. I had fallen asleep. I checked my phone, the light was strong and the time showed I looked around in the library, everyone must have left, I was the last one left.

I had 6 missed calls and 2 texts. The 6 missed calls were from my brother. It was going to be a long night, but I didn't want to go home, the 2 texts were from Malik.

Where r you ?

You brother is worried imaan !!

My brother, my brother, didn't Malik care himself where I was? Furious I hit the caller button. He picked up on the second call.

Where are you?

His voice was empty for feelings, it made me push further back into the couch I was sitting in.

The library

Short, simple. I didn't want to say much. I didn't know what to say.

For gods sake Imaan your- your family is worried they have been trying to track your phone for hours, do you even know how worried they are, go home right now.

If the really had been trying to track my phone, they would have found me now. I ended the call, and waited for someone to come pick me up. I waited for hours no one came.

Sleep and exhaustion had filled me up from last night, I crunched forward in the couch and yawned painfully, my neck was hurting my back was complaining in pains.

It was still dark in the back corner of the library, someone came towards the corner. I threw my boots back on, and took my jacket from the couch.

"Miss Imaan. What are you doing here, isn't it a bit too early?" I looked up at the tiny frame of my English teacher, she looked caffeine full, I tried to make eye contact but failed miserably.

"I needed to finish some papers" I lied and tried to smile, my throat was dry.

Someone else came into the library and walked towards where we were standing, it was a tall shadow, Malik.

I could feel my heart beating, the sweat on my face made it obvious, he made me nervous.

"well, enjoy yourself" She said, and walked towards my left.

"thank you." I told her, and picked a random book from a rank, trying to act like I was looking for something, he came straight to where I was standing.

"We need to talk".

This book was quite interesting, more interesting than Malik.

"Imaan we-"

I looked up, his bluish eyes said it all, he was a wreck, what had happened to him.

"Malik, please tell me, what is going on with you." I moved towards him, taking my time.

He was silent, not looking up at me, like I was invisible.

"Why did you say all that yesterday, I don't know what you meant If you just could-"

"you brother is here, he wanted me to tell you to go and meet him." When it was sad he looked one last time at me, with pity, hatred and a emotion which I knew before he walked out from my life.

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