chapter 9:)

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Lia's POV

"Mac I swear, get of me." I yelled at the brown Labrador, god. I hated him and his dog, I wish I could kick them both, in the ass, hard and painfully. I yanked the white sheets from my skinny body, and sat silently in the bed staring at the  now open door to the hallway. I hated this roommate thing, and I hated my parents for doing this to me. Shit, I hated my life. Growling I got up and went to the bathroom, the mirror was shining bright in the clear morning light. I looked at my reflection. My brown short hair, was yeah, like I've just fucked, my eyes were swollen from my non existing sleep and my lips were chapt. I have so much swag, I thought and smirked to my reflection, before turning the shower on. I've made plans, and a schedule for the whole day, since that's what I do-I heard someone chuckle outside the room, fuck my life, he had a girl over.

I ignored the pain in my chest, and threw on a pair of jeans, and a purple top. I didn't quite wear makeup, so I put some lip balm on my lips before strolling out of the room. The living room was like a nightmare, empty coke bottles were laying everywhere, there were also some take over's left.  My favorite thing in the house a grey couch were beautifully painted in red, ketchup. I groaned and made my way to the kitchen, that fucker could do this by himself, no way were I going to help. The smell of cigarette's filled the air, and empty pizza boxes were on the dining table. A blond was sitting on his lap, grinning like a slut, she was actually pretty, with blond hair and bluish eyes. Her black dress was up her thighs, she smiled up at me, the second I walked in.

"Oh hey there, I'm jade." I ignored her, and made my way to the fridge, yanked it open with full force and glared in her direction.

"I would say it was nice to meet you, but then I would be lying." She giggled again, and kissed the top of TJ's knuckles. I grabbed a bottle of milk, and some cereals, threw it all into a bowl and made my way back to the living room. Before stepping out, I glanced back at the happy couple.

"You." I pointed at TJ he didn't bother looking up.

"Don't except me to clean up your shit." When that was said I strolled out to the living room. There wasn't anything special on the TV, but I tried to block out the annoying making out sounds from the kitchen. It felt like hours before the blond strolled out from the kitchen with a cigarette in her mouth, she took her high heels which was laying nicely on the floor and gave me a small smile before walking out. The house went mute, and it made me laugh, the silence before the storm. Well let's see.

I glanced at the screen, and made sure to act interested in the news.  I could smell him before actually see him, he walked over to the couch turned the TV off, and took a perfect standing position just in front of me.

"What the hell is you problem." He growled and gave me a deathly stare.

"Fuck of TJ" I said and tried to turn the TV on again. He grabbed the remote from my hand, and smiled devilishly. I stood up, no fucking way.

"Give me the remote." He smiled and took the remote in his back pocket.

"You know the rules Elly, want it, get it." I threw my hands in the air.

"Fine, I have to leave to Lia's anyway, so I sadly don't have time for you little childish games,  but this house better be clean before I return." He rolled his eyes, and stepped closer.

"Childish games, are you mad. I'm the one who is 21." I laughed and took a step back, terrified of the closeness.

"Whatever, it not like I wanted to be roommates with you anyway."

He raises his brows and gives me  the "are you serious" stare.

"Yeah, I've heard you whining thousands times, I'm kind of sick and tired by now." I ignored him and moved towards my room.

"Hey, what didn't you parents teach you to not walk away when someone is talking to you." I gave him the finger, and I could hear him chuckle.


"for real?" Lia ask as I try to focus on the biology book in front of me. I sigh and shift in her bed. She is sitting in the other side of the bed, her black round glasses makes her look cute, her brown curls is in a tight bun, and her blue eyes makes her look like a angel. She is so tiny, that when I first met her, I was afraid of that she will break in front of me.

"Yeah, he has girls over every weekend why is that such a surprise?" I mock and stare back at the book. The words in the books looks like small animals moving up and down. They don't make sense, at all.

"I can't concentrate" I yell and throw the book at the wall.

"Hey there." Lia yells back, and we both laugh.

"But seriously, he is so damn hot, the way he makes his dark hair look, and the way these blue eyes looks intensely at you, damn I want to lick his-"

I throw a pillow at her, before she can go further.

"I really don't want to hear that Lia" I tell her and she frowns.

"Beside, prom is around the corner, you should really find someone to go with, have you asked Jay yet?" I ask her, trying to change the subject, I don't want to talk about TJ than necessary.

"Yeah I have, he said yes." She whines. And I give her a hug.

"That's great Lia. I'm happy for you." She smiles and kisses my cheek.

I'm happy that she doesn't ask me, I want to skip the prom thing, like I do every single year, it waste of time. I'll rather be home, enjoy my Ben and jerry cream, and a bunch of heady romance films. I hang out at Lia's, until my mind gets positive and then I head home.


The lights are on, when I open the door to the apartment. The house is silent, and for the first time ever, I want the opposite. It too awkward, TJ or Thy james, is 21, he was here, when I moved in or rather got kicked from my own house. Shit happens I say under my breath as I kick my boots of and head to the living room. Loud moan sounds comes from the TV or rather someone, I peek through the door. God almighty. PJ is holding his dick, and stroking it wildly, at the same time staring at the screen. This is so awkward I whisper and cough twice, to make him realize I've arrived. I blush crimson, as he turns from the TV and looks in my way, our eyes meet and his pupils are dark with ....lust. I hold my breath, shit. He looks hot, and ready to get fucked. What the hell am I thinking. I stroll over to one of the couches far away from him and sit down, we haven't broke eye contact yet.

"You are so disgu-" Before I can finish his lips comes crashing down on mine. He is rough, and kisses me hard. I don't respond, until he borrows his hand in my hair, and pulls my head down. I moan into his mouth, and bite his bottom lip, I can taste the blood. He shifts, and kisses me harder. I whimper and open up. Our tongues collide and we battle for a couple of minutes before he breaks the kiss.

I try to catch my breath, he doesn't look up at me. I push him of me, by hitting him hard on his chest, then getting up. Slapping him hard. And walk towards my room. 


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