Chapter 13:)

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Ayah's POV

"God you suck at this" I say and wipe of my teary eyes. I look at my best friend, she is standing on the root top still searching for the football. She leans to one side and bows down onto the ground. "I can't see any ball here Ayah." I roll my eyes and throw a rock after her, but it doesn't hit her. "Just get down please." I call, and pull out my phone.

I log on to the net and search for a restaurant nearby, "Keya get down your bitch. I'm hungry." I whine and look up at her from the ground. I can see the sunset behind her, it beautiful with the orange aura on the sky. I look around in the neighborhood.

"Oh my god Keya what if your brothers sees you? seriously get down now!" She giggles and throws down her converse,  looking down at me. "Damn you're looking up to me, I could grow accustomed to this doe." I throw another rock up at her, careful not to hit her. "Wallah once you get down, I'll teach you, who get's accustomed to who." She laughs and starts climbing down.

"Is there any market's open anyway?" She asks and peels off the dust from her clothes.
"We can go to the McD?" I request, while walking. "Oh my god, we had McD yesterday?" She complains, checking herself on her phone.

"Your hijab looks fine girl." I tell her, while padding her back. She grins.
"I swear sometimes weekends are the worst, like why do we never have anything fun to do?" she whines, putting her phone back into her jacket, and looking after something else. "well I said let's watch a movie, but you wanted to play football." I say and kick to a rock on the ground. "Because football is a fun sport, and Ayah we look so sexy playing it." I laugh.

"Girl, no one is watching us." She nods. "that's the point, duh?" I shake my head.
"Seriously Keya, be more specific I know we have been friends for 3 years. but I still can't read you mind." She hits my shoulder. "Oh my god Ayah think about this for a sec." I nod. "yes, what?" I wait for her to continue. But she is lost reading something on her phone, I grab her phone, jumping onto the road.

" You bitch, give me back my phone, give me ma bay bay." She calls, jogging after me. I breath for air, because I'm jogging so fast. I look at the screen. She was just texting with her sister.
"Aw how boring, it's just your sis." I say and stop in the middle of the road. She stops where she is, exactly 3 meters away from me.

I can suddenly hear a car driving towards me, I turn around. And look forward in a shock.
"Ayah move away." Keya calls jogging towards where I'm standing. I am frozen to the ground, I can't Keya! I try to say. but I can't speak.

I turn around towards her. "Keya I can't! help me, Keya!" I scream. She jogs over and pushes me onto the pedestrian way. We both fall onto the ground, I hold myself, like a ball, she kneels in front of me, "oh my god Ayah you could have killed yourself!" She says looking  into my eyes. I stare blankly at her, still shocked from what just happened.

"For fuck's sake, what the fuck? did you want to be run over." We both turn towards the guy coming up to us, behind him is the black car, with the music blasting. The windows on the car are rolled up, there's two guys sitting at the back.

Keya helps me stand up.

"You should watch where your driving." I tell him, not meeting his eyes.

"What?" He says and laughs, he looks behind him, and winks to his friends in the car.

"guys are you hearing this? She's saying I'm the one responsible." He turns around again.

"You girls are like this, careless. And if something happens to you, you start pointing fingers at someone else. You could have yourself killed, if I didn't stop the car man." He says scratching his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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