chapter 8:)

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Ellie's POV

"Miss levis" the voice of my English teacher, shoot through my headphones, her voice is filled with boredom and empty treats, which really didn't do it for me. I don't want to look at her, I already know the look on her face, and what she is going to say next, so I look up from my hands which I have made as pillows for my head, and look straight at her. She is wearing an grey long skirt, which I thank god for since her legs look like a man's, her big tits is all over the white button up blouse, she likes it, the attention she gets from the guys in the class.                             Her dark blond hair is in an loose waves down her broad shoulders, she looks like a nanny, who wished she was a slut. I stare at her dark blue eyes, and can see the frown on her lips. With her hands on her hips, she strolls down the seats  to where I am sitting, exactly in the back of the room.

"Something to say before I send-" I wave my hand at her, a signal to stop talking, she raise her brows and is about to say more, but close her mouth again.

"Does it look like I fucking care" I cut her off, and stand up from my seat to take my jacket. I take the paper she is holding, and give her a fake smile, before strolling out.

The hallway is empty as always, I look at the clock, 10pm my classes will end 12pm today, I don't need to spend more time in this hole than necessary, my phone beeps, it's a text from my friend Zack.

Z: heard about it babe, don't go home, eat lunch with me. X)

I stare at the text and smirk. Zack is my best buddy since forever, he is the only one who understands me, and isn't fake. We met each other at a club in south England and immediately  clicked, since then we've hung out basically every single day, when I found out Zack went to the same college as  I, I almost blacked out. He is 2 years older than me, me at the age of 17. I walk up to an area in the back of  campus, and throw my bag pack down, throw my jacket off and sprawl down on it, the April weather is just casual here, but today the sky is cloud free, and you can hear bees sum in the background. I close my eyes and let the sleep take me away. Immediately the sound of a bike, fills my ears, and the sound only gets higher, I throw my hands around my ears to block out the sound, but the bike, only gets higher, like someone does it on purpose. I hear someone chuckle and I let out a frustrated sigh. I get up, and walk towards the sound, pissed.

"What the fucking hell, I swear I'll cut-" I stop in my tracks, Zack is standing  3 feet away from me, with a tall guy, he has his back towards me so I can't make out how he looks. Zack in the other hand looks cute, in his dark jeans hanging low on his hips, he is wearing it with a white t-shirt, which shows of his perfect abs and chest. His brown hair is wet, like he just took a shower. His brown eyes look straight into mine, and a smile made its way on his beautiful shaven face.

"Hey Ellie, come over here, I want you to meet someone" I nod, and walk towards him.

Zack laughs and walks towards me, he smiles before hugging me close. He takes my hand, and leads me in front of the tall stranger. He has shades on which surprises me, his clothes is all dark, with the black leather jacket to the black killer boots. I look at his frame, dark hair with  some stubs, he hasn't shaved in days does it look like, and I can't judge him either ways, it looks too hot. It is suddenly weird with him standing here at our campus, he looks like a model, or someone who doesn't belong here.

"Shade, c'mon man, you don't have to wear them now, she's cool." Shade shrugs and in matter of seconds the glasses is gone. His blue eyes looks amused in Zack's direction, and for the first time ever, I feel jealous. He was looking at Zack not me, who knows maybe he is gay. I mean, all the hot ones is, right?

The wind suddenly takes form, and blows my short dark  hair, into my face. I hear a growl, and freeze. The hairs on my neck take position, and I look up to see shade gazing directly into my grey eyes. His stare is intense and dark, which I've never seen before. My belly gets all jumpy and makes me pant for air. My thighs gets warm, and I shift on my feets.

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