Chapter 5:)

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Eva's POV

"Oh my gosh Eva look at her!" I turn my head towards my best friend Bella, she looks shocked and gasps when our eyes collide. "Can you believe it? The girl is wearing a headscarf? A fucking headscarf!" She says and weaves both her hands in the air over dramatically. "I don't see why you're so overreacting Bells" I reply and turn my head again, where is that file?

"Oh my gosh Eve you've changed!" Bella says and hits my arm. I ignore her, and keep looking in my locker for my history files. "So are you and Jace still a couple?" Monique, Bella's ex best friend says and walks over to where we are standing. I grab my file, and slam the locker shut. "Wow there." Monique drawls and high fives Bella. "I don't know why there are so many fake stories about me and Jace? We've never dated-" I stop talking when I see a glimpse of Derek, Monique's boyfriend scrolling toward us. He winks at Monique half way through the crowd. The hallways of Vienne high is over crowded with students, they all look excited to start the last semester of the year. "Why do they look so cheerful?" I say and stare at Bella, I open a pack of gum. She immediately reaches out for some. "Hi babe." Derek drawls and hugs Monique, she squeals pathetically and kisses him. " Have you two not had enough of each other throughout the summer?" Bella says and gawks which makes me giggle. "What's your problem?" Derek asks her and smiles back at Monique. "Come on babe, I need to show you something" Monique whines and drags poor Derek with her.

"Properly her new Botox filled boobs." Bella whispers and makes me giggle once again.

I look up at the crowd  once again, it seems like there comes more students. I catch a glimpse of two girls wearing dark blue head scarf's. they get my attention. They both seems out of place, in the way they both  stare at the crowd with students. I haven't seen them before, I try to zoom on them, the girl on the right is taller than the other one, she looks cute.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Bella asks and turns her head in the same direction. I frown and look back at her. "Nothing I need to find history class, I'll catch you later right?" it wasn't supposed to be a question.

She stares at me for a while, and then gives my hand a small clasp. "I'm really looking forward to be spending some girl time with you, I'm sorry we could not hang out in the summer." She truly seems disappointed about it, and I smile up at her.

"Aw my little Bells, it alright, it's still summer doe" I signal towards the nice sunny weather outside.

"Oh yeah you're right! Maybe we can hang out at the beach later?" She says and smiles cheerily. I think about it for while, and it doesn't seem like a bad idea at all, I need some time with her. "That seems like a plan" I tell her.

"Cool then, I'll see you later!" She is already walking into the crowd. I hope she doesn't get walked over, that would look comic.

After using some time on my time table for the day, I start looking for the history class. I see a door on my left, and catch a glimpse of the girl wearing a dark blue scarf, something tells me that it's where I'm supposed to be, I listen to my gut feeling and walk after her.

"It's nice you girls decided to show up!" I look up at the front of the room, and see a large frame. "I'm Teacher Calvin. And you girls need to put some gear into those skinny legs of yours." He says and points at me and the  other girl. I nod, and gaze in the room for a table. I see a empty seat beside the girl wearing the scarf and stroll over. "Can I sit-" I say pointing to the chair beside her.

"Oh sorry, yes of course." She says smiling widely. I sit down and open my book bag.

"Do you know which book we need for this lesson?" She asks smiling. I see her turn into a slightly red color.

"Are you new here?" I ask her instead and find the map with my files. She gazes quickly at my map, and then looks back up. "Yes, I'm a English major. Just moved here." I nod and point at the map.

"We don't use books only papers that the teacher hands out." She nods and stares at the front again.

"I'm Eva." I say and find myself stretching out my hand towards her. What am I doing? We did that in 2010?

"Hello Eve, I'm Sabrina" She accepts my hand, her fingers are tiny and long. "you have nice hands." I say and look once again at her hands. She blushes. "Thanks my mom makes me use hand crème every single day" I stare at her, she stares back at me. "I can't believe we're talking about hand creme-" We both say in unison and break out into laughter.

In the same moment someone clears their throat making us both look up.

"Ladies, have you started on the assignment?" We both stare at him, and then on the black board.

I shake my head, and so does Sabrina. "Well then get started!" He cries out, scaring us both.

"He seems nice," Sabrina says and smiles while looking into her sheet.

"Damn right!" I say, which makes her giggle.

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