Chapter 4:)

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 Hayat's POV

"she's innocent!" Brad yells into Faizan's face. Faizan looks flushed into my eyes with rage and venom.

"No she isn't, she only want to show us that part, I know what she is, and I can tell you that innocent isn't something  Hayat is." I look at Brad, I need to make him believe, that I'm innocent. I don't know who they think I am, but I am not who they are searching for.

"please let me go." I whisper, I can only whisper I don't want to cry or yell anymore, I scramble against the cold floor when Faizan inches closer towards me.

"Look Hayat, stop playing games with us and tell us who you really are?" I stare into his eyes, he slaps me hard across my right cheek, I spit out blood, which makes my inside boil.

"cooperate." He says and takes me by my hair, I flinch at the hard grasp from his hand. He pushes me up toward the wall.

"I want you to go out Brad." He says in a monotone voice. I glance at Brad, he looks like he just lost a battle, I plead him with my eyes. No!

"Now!" Faizan says turning around slightly. The door closes with a slam. Faizan pulls my hair again making me stare into his grey eyes. I should never have came to Jordan. They warned me about this, about people like Faizan!

"Look at me." Faizan says, I keep gazing ahead.

"I said look at me!" He yells pulling my hair a bit harder. I stare at him, hatred in my body, only for his soul.

"Who are you? And I'm giving you a choice, so be smart and answer the question." He says, losing up the tight grab in my hair. I flinch at his arabic accent.

"I- let me go please, I haven't done anything I'm just an journalist I-" He slaps me again, and this time I let him, I fall onto the ground again, the ground where I have been laying for god knows how long, I feel the ground beneath me swirl around, am I going to die now?

"Shit- shit- shit" Faizan murmurs and walks forth and back.

"No puedo creer que estoy ahorrando su culo , y dejar que mi pueblo abajo." He chuckles lightly, and it echoes in the empty room. I stiffen and push myself slowly against the wall.

"For gods sake!" He yells and turns around. I stare at the ground, but I can feel that his still staring at me, what more do he want? If he wants to kill me, he could have finished me off weeks ago, but something tells me that, there's no way he will kill me, he won't will he?

"I-I'm innocent, I know your searching for someone- I when I was at the airport- I" I stare up at him, he is looking interested in my way.

"I saw you on the screen, they- they are searching for you, and your- men." I finish off and look up at him.

"then you must know who we are?" He says inching closer again, I push myself against the wall. Let it absorb me, let god be merciful. Let me die, but please let me not face anymore difficulties.

He kneels in front of me, and inches closer towards my face. I can feel my breathing  hitching. He touches my cheek, and strokes his finger against my cheek, my nose, brows, and lips.

"what is your background?" He asks and gazes longing into my eyes.

I stare at his lips, they move but I don't hear the words coming out of them.

"I-I don't understand what you're saying." I reply and stare up at him. He grins and itches his hair.

"arabic, and I searched on your background, your mom happens to be labanese?" He says staring into my eyes.

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