Chapter 3:)

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Zara's POV

The moment I enter my house I can feel, that something is wrong. The atmosphere is quiet, and tensed. I will usually throw off my boots, but I didn't take them off this time, instead with  very slow  footsteps I went inside the house.

"We should keep this investigation private for some time, until we find out who stand behind all of this"

I step inside the living room, and cannot breath. It is a mess, two officers are standing in the living room, one of the officers is standing and taking pictures of the chaos while the other writes something down, on a piece of paper. They haven't discovered my arrival yet.

"What-What is going on here?" I cry out, and can feel the burning taste in my throat.

They both turn around and look shocked in my direction, and then stare back at each other, like they didn't expect me already.

"She's the daughter." The officer with the paper says to the other officer, and continue writing.

I stand my ground. "Will anyone tell me what is going on!" I cry out again, feeling myself getting dizzy. What have been going on? where is my parents?

I look around in the living room, but there was no sign of them, I walk out and go to the kitchen, ammo used to sit there with abba, but there was no sign of them here either.

I hear someone walk into the kitchen, I turn around horrified.

"It's just me." The officer says, clearly still confused over my arrival?

"Someone tried to murder your parents" "What!" I say. He continues. "They are safe, they are in the hospital at the moment, you can visit them after we're done here." He says all of this like it is no big deal, someone tried to murder my parents, they had expected me to be home as well, I could have been killed?

"What do you mean they 'tried'?" I ask still dizzy from my flight earlier, but now I feel panicked too.

"That doesn't matter right now, what matters is that we need to get you somewhere safe." He says and coughs, "I'm Saif by the way, and that is my co- worker Alvin." He referrers to the other officer in the living room.

"I need to get to my parents, are they okay?" I ask again needing to know. I don't know what else to say, this is a shock, I have never experienced something like this before, I don't know how to react.

"Calm down, you should sit a bit, I know all of this is a bit much". Saif says and walks over to the tap to get me a glass of water.

"A bit much?" I cry "My parents could practically have been murdered!" I yell standing up from the chair.

"Listen I know your scared and angry. But you need to work with me okay? Everything will work out, we're still working on it." Saif says handing me the glass.

"I don't want it." I tell him looking at the ground while folding my hands over my chest.

"Look stop annoyi-" "Saif, I got a emergency call from the hospital she needs to get there fast-" Alvin says and hands Saif a bunch of keys. Saif stares in my direction, he seems to be thinking about grabbing my hand or not, he hesitates "Come on, we need to get to the hospital." He then says. I nod and follow shakily after him.

When we reach the hospital, I jump out of the car and sprint towards the entrance, there is crowded inside, but that makes sense, since it's Miami. I sprint over to the information desk, and stop a nurse, "um, can you tell me where the emergency corridor is?" I wait patiently for her reply, she nods. "on your right after you turn to left, right there." She points at a staircase leading up to the second floor. "Thank you." I breath out, and start sprinting.

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