Chapter 11:)

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Fawad's POV

She was the illusion of perfect.

Yes, definitely.

Her shiny dark hair was waving in the wind, when she looked to the side. It was long, and curly.

Indeed tempting.

Her soft lips, when she talked. It almost seemed like she sang melodies.


And her eyes, they could kill an army of men. Pearl dark, with a hint of blue.

An ocean.

She put her right hand on her hip, and leaned into her friends. They seemed to be deeply concentrated in a conversation. She chewed  her bottom lip and smiled innocently to the girl at her left, before fixing her pinkish hijab, and cursing the cold October breeze.

"Ahem" someone cleared their throat, and brought me back to my life and sadly the reality.

I turn around towards the voice, and act like I didn't just got caught staring, and remind myself  to lower my gaze next time.

Kareem one of my brother's and best friends hands me a bottle of coke, and lightens his cigarette.

"What's up?" I ask and act totally innocent.

"Just wanted to check on my bro." He replies before taking a huge drag of his cigarette.

I nod, and glance at the sidewalk. The hijabi sister's are gone now. I turn towards Kareem.

"I'm guessing you drove here." I ask him, he grins, and takes another drag.

"Yes I did indeed, do you want to go to the afternoon prayer with me?" it my turn to grin now, and he points at the cigarette in his hand.

"Just because I'm smoking doesn't mean I have forgotten my religion my brother."

"Alhamdulillah." I reply and we begin to walk slowly towards his car. I breath in the fresh chilly air into my lungs and smile towards the sky.

"This is life, wallahi this is life." I tell him and he slows down.

"My brother you seem very happy these days." He nudges me with his shoulder. I shrug and put my hands into my khaki pants.

"Anyways how's your family, mashallah Amina is grown all up." He asks instead, changing the subject completely.

"She's doing great, it her third year in university." I  tell him. knowing  well he wants to know if she's planning on  getting married.

He throws the smoke onto the ground, and put his hands into his coat.

"That's good, Alhamdulillah." I nod. And we slow down when we see his car. It a black Mercedes cal.

He gets in, I watch him buckle his  seatbelt before getting in too. The car smells like new, and everything seems clean and organized. There is a picture in the rear mirror. I take it down and look at it.

"We took it last year, before she passed away." Kareem tells me and starts the engine.

The picture is taken with him hugging his mom, and she looks mad and stares right at the camera instead of him.

"She looks happy." I joke sarcastically. And Kareem chuckles lightly.

"Ahmed and I just had a fight that day, which she was an witness to. I wish we didn't. Anyway Ahmed was the one suggesting a picture. Since he wanted a picture of us for his dorm room at college." I smile at the picture and put it back into its place.

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