Chapter 2:)

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Haider's POV

"Haider! Haider! Haider!" I could hear the cheering around me, it aroused me and energized my body.

I threw the ball in the air, then caught it midways and circled around the attackers of the other team. I finally reached the net, it was now or never. Bismillah I whispered like I always would, and threw the ball.

I closed my eyes, and waited for the loud cheer from the crowd. 1,2,3,4

"it's in the net! It's in the net, amazing!" I could hear Jeff in the speakers inside the game hall. I opened my eyes, and felt the weight disappear from my shoulders. "You did it man! You did it!" Kevin my team mate said and clapped my shoulder. I gave him a wide grin, and threw off my shirt.

"Man that was such a lucky score!" Adam said and high fived me. I smiled.

"Thanks man, it wasn't a surprise that we won." I said and walked with him inside the  guy's changing room.

"I swear we so deserved today's match!" Kevin said and caught up to us. I glanced at him, and opened my locker. Today we had our last game for the year, I was feeling amazing like I always did after one of these kind of games. I've played basket since I was 10 years old. I started playing for fun, but then my dad thought me some tricks here and there, and before realizing it, I was completely absorbed into the world of basket.

"Guys that was a great game, I'm looking forward to seeing you for tonight's celebration!" our coach Anton said stepping outside from the shower. I grinned and opened my sports bag. "Hey Haider" I looked up and met Anton's gaze. "You played well today, keep it up" He said.

"Thanks coach" I reply and start taking off my clothes, I need a long hot shower.

"Dude!" I turn around shocked. "What the heck man-" I whisper and stare at Adam.

He puts his hands into the air, "Chill man, no need to get mad." He says and grins widely. He sits at the bench next to me.

"So are you going to show up tonight?" I look up at him, and shake my head.

"Don't know man, if the old one's agree I'm not going to skip it" I tell him and grin.

"Come on Haider, for how long are they going to boss around with you? You're a grown man now!" Adam says and takes my phone. I glance annoyed in his way.

"Come on man, give me my phone" I stretch out my hand towards him.

"or what? Is there something here old bro Adam can't see huh?" he says teasingly running around.

"Come on Adam, don't play around I'm damn tired." I tell him, seriously.

"Shit, it's ringing!" Adam says handing me my phone.

I glance at the screen. Dad's wife calling...

"hello " I say and zip up my sports bag. I look up and see Adams smiling face.

"girlfriend huh?" He whispers and grins. I give him the finger, he winks before strolling out from the changing room.

"How did the game go?" She asks.

"Fine?" I say and sit back down on the bench.

"I'm sorry son, I totally forgot why I called, you dad wants you to come home, urgently he said." She says  and coughs.

"I'll come straight home after picking up your medicin." I say.

"thank you son." She says.

"your welcome." I turn off the call and stroll out.


"Where have you been?" I look up and see my dad standing with his arms across his chest, looking like the boss he is.

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