Chapter 7:)

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Sehr's POV

Life had given me another chance, I looked at the railing. The rain was still on full blast, and now it was windy too. Everything looked so peaceful it reminded me of the desert,  beautiful.

For some people it would be weird, because it's a desert, there's no water, and you can die if you don't get help, or just die from starvation, but Allah was enough for me, with Allah's blessing everything would go well. Like Ramadan Allah knows that we can do it, that's why Allah has given  us the task, because we can do it.

And Allah gave me another chance to live, to do it the right way. I wouldn't think like this, if I didn't die once.

Two years ago, I drove my dad's car, to try it. Well basically I wanted to drive it to a party, because we teens we always wanted to  do that kind of things, me without any exception. I drove into a bridge and drowned into the ocean, I wish I could explain to you what I saw because it was so beautiful. And to see that, has made me beautiful, but the truth is it has been deleted from my memory.

'What are you doing Sehr?' I turned around from the window and from the beautiful sight of the round  full moon towards the door.

'Nothing' I almost whisper and continue drying my wet hair.

My sister Farheen comes to the window and sits on the chair beside it. I can feel her intense stare into my neck. It burns and I know what she is about  to ask me. The typical 'what are you thinking about' fase.

I turn towards her, my smirk now gone.

'Speak' I tell her and hang the now wet towel onto the window. I fold my arms across my chest and glare at her red face. She is cute, very bubbly kind of, with her brown wide eyes and cute apple cheeks.

'Sis ...I ..okay so yesterday in college kayla told me that Rahul was going to propose to her but I saw Rahul with this-' she was cut off when my other sister entered the room.

'She saw Rahul with another girl at the cafee you used to work at Sehr, and I told her it not her business to tell Kayla... but she doesn't listen as always' she finished and rolled her eyes.

Raheen smirked playfully at Farheen, and went behind my back to protect herself from farheen.

'Sis tell her to shut up' Raheen ran on top of my bed, and Farheen jumped after her, they playfully smacked each other with my pillows before our dad called from the living room.



I turned towards them and pointed towards the door.

'Out. Now.' They smiled innocently and went out.

My bed lamp was turned off, because the moon light did its job. I turned it on and went to the mirror to comb my hair.

Whenever I closed my eyes I could feel the burning in my throat. It was like someone set fire to my body. I gasped for air, and  closed my eyes tight before a growl escaped me.

I was visiting my aunt Laila, twice a week so she could check up on me, and the dreams I usually had at night time. The light under the water. I've never told anyone about that. I open my eyes and glare at my reflection in the mirror

A dark haired girl stared right back, she was terrified and broken. My lips was swollen and pink. I tried to smile, to stretch my face from the overwhelming tension. But it just made the smile look fake. I use to rehearse this, to smile in front of the mirror almost every day, but it didn't work. People like my family, my sisters they can always see though it, and see my real pain, the panic, the frustrated me.

I throw on my pajamas, and walk towards my bed, it cold and looks so empty, like someone else needs to be there with me. I don't know why I'm thinking this, but it feels like I'm doing something wrong, like I'm forgetting someone, someone important to me, but who?

I shift in the bed, I can't sleep, sweat is all over, and my clothes is clinging to my body. I hate the feeling, the window is still open and a owl is complaining about life in a nearby tree. I turn around in the bed, and stare at my bed lamp, it turned off I turn it on, and sit up in the bed making myself comfortable with a pillow behind my back. I turn on my phone, and scowl though it without paying attention to anything, I don't have any text messages, no phone calls nothing. You could almost say no friends.

The door to my bedroom opens making me gasp for air. My sister peeks her head in, and smiles innocently before running up to me. I'm about to ask her what she's doing here but surprisingly she hugs me.

The hug feels nice, and I hug her small frame back. She smells nice of sweets and I kiss her head.

" Raheen, love your okay?" I don't know why I feel like crying, it so long time ago someone has hugged me like this, like she knows what I'm going through.

"I'm sorry Sehr" I furrow my brows. I lean back and stare at her face, she can't seem to face me. She puts her hands on her face, trying to hide herself from me.

"Sehr we're all sorry. We are so terrible." I don't know what she's talking about and it makes me panic.

"Rahee, what are you saying?" I tell her and look at her face, tears keeps streaming down her face,           I try to wipe them away with my thumb but she shakes her head.

"You were married Sehr, we took him away from you. Allah please forgive us Sehr." I don't hear her, maybe I do but my brain doesn't. I have to hear her again.

"Afree, what did you say." Black dots keep dancing in front my eyes, I feel like I'm blacking out.

"Sehr you were married, when you were in coma, we told him to leave you alone, that he was responsible for your accident." Who is he? What is she talking about.

I push her off me, she stops crying and looks at my face. I nod my head and try to act like she's weird.

"Sehr please, don't be like this, what I'm saying is true, mom and dad doesn't talk to you, because their afraid they will break down when they do so." I can't take this it's too much my head falls, my body relaxes the last thing I see is raheen screaming for her life.

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