xxiii. Doctor, Doctor ❤️

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xxiii. Doctor, Doctor ❤️

Kelsey May was an ER doctor. She had always wanted to save people, and what other occupation was better than saving people while they were at the brink of death?

Being an ER doctor also had the downside of not being able to save people from the brink of death, though. And when Kelsey wasn't able to save her boyfriend of 4 years from death after a car crash, she didn't know what to do.

Kelsey's boyfriend, Jason, had been the first person she couldn't save. She took all the blame and didn't let anyone else in. She resigned from her job and sat in her apartment all day, everyday. Kelsey only thought of her dead boyfriend and what she could have done to save him. And every day, she came up with nothing.

Dave was the owner of Kelsey's apartment building, and one day, he fell down the metal-tipped stairs and required immediate medical attention until the paramedics could come and whisk him away. Kelsey, being the only doctor in the building, was forced to leave her apartment and work to save somebody again, for the first time in months. When she succeeded, she started to become happier. Dave encouraged her and was there all the way with her. And when she got better, went back to work, and became happy again, Dave was still there. Just in another capacity-as her replacement boyfriend.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. :) lyme sucks. This plot turned out a lot better in my head than it did here in written form. I just can't convey exactly how I think it would work for whatever reason. If you choose this plot, please understand the basic concept but don't exactly go where I went with it. :)

I'm editing people's books now and I just want to thank them all for letting me edit and following me and liking my stories, so this is dedicated to @kekeweke99 , @Insidemyworld , and @fuzzypepermint , and I apologize if I messed up your usernames! :) thank you all so much!

Thank you to all my followers and commenters and voters and readers on any of my stories. I can't thank you enough. :) so thank you!


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