[chapter 1] new beginnings

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Abuse among peers





Intrusive thoughts

Izuku walked the halls of aldera middle school like he was traversing a bridge made of glass, like the bridge would break any second now and he would fall into the abyss, someone who would stick their foot out and trip him or shove him into the wall, it was no different into the classroom, it felt as if all eyes were on him even if they weren't, he curled in on himself trying to make himself as small and harmless as possible, but things never went his way.

It was the start of their final class period, the teacher was a few minutes late as always but when he did arrive he held a stack of papers as he walked over to his desk.

The class slowly went quiet before the teacher started to talk "alright for the start of today's period I was gonna pass out your career sheets but who am I kidding" the man smirked throwing the stock of pages in the air to let them fall to the ground "you all want to be heroes don't you" just then the class burst in volume making midoriya wince and curl more in on himself "hey teach!" There was a thump behind izuku as bakugou stood up from his seat and put one foot on his desk "don't lump me in with these busted d-listers after all I'm the only one that will get into UA" the explosive being smirked as the class yelled in outrage "oh yes bakugou, you signed up for UA correct" the teacher hummed proudly as the class settled to astonished murmurs "oh say, didn't you sign up for UA also midorya?" The teacher said as the boy flinched at his name being called

It was quiet for a moment before the class cackled with mocking laughter directed at the greenette "really?! Useless Deku? Signing up for UA?" "The quirkless freak would probably die before the entrance exam even started" "you really think you would make it in" mocking words of the class rang through his ears "u-uh a-actually they took away the rule that quirkless people can't participate" he weakly tried to defend himself before the smell of burnt caramel filled the room and there was a loud flash knocking him out of his chair "oi Deku! You think you're above me just for trying out the entrance exam Hah?!" Katsuki screamed in outrage as izuku backed himself against the wall "ah- no kacchan! I'm not trying to compete with you, believe me!" Izuku cried out "you can't do shit Deku! You're below all these bottom feeders here! You are worth shit so stop trying to act all high and realize that your just a bug I can crush under my boot!" Katsuki screamed popping more mini-explosions "alright that's enough, midorya get back to your seat and stop provoking bakugou" the teacher finally intervened but still smirked, izuku knew better to defend himself, instead he just hobbled back to his seat and continued with class.

At the end of class, izuku was regrettably slow in packing up his things, just as he was about to put his notebook away it was snatched up by none other than bakugou "hah? Were not done talking Deku" bakugou said as he let his lackeys take a look at the book "seriously? Hero analysis for the future?" The boy with a finger stretching quick laughed as eyes joined in "I thought I told you to stop that shit, or are you trying to piss me off"bakugo stated angrily "if you don't put a stop to this shit I will" he said snatching the notebook back from the other two boys and blowing it up "kacchan!" izuku cried out in horror as the book became charred "im the only one whos gonna be a hero in the shitty school! You hear me deku!" bakugo said as he threw the charred notebook out of an open window, before izuku could react bakugo grabbed his arm pinning him against the wall forcefully, he winced avoiding his attackers gaze knowing if their eyes met it would just make things worse, bakugou moved to place a hand on his shoulder and smirked devilishly, his palm bagan to heat up slowly making izuku wince as the burning palm burned through his school uniform and charring his skin, the rancid smell of burning flesh filling the room, izuku stifled a scream as the flesh on his shoulder literally burn away, he felt slood start to bubble up on the would before bakugou pulled away satisfied with his cruel work, izuku collapsed on the floor with a pained grunt as tears flowed freely, he grit his teeth in pain clutching his arm hoping the pain just went away, he hissed in pain when his thumbs slid over the swollen area around the burn wound.

Bakugo and his lackeys howled with laughter at izukus misery, the former practically glowing in pride as the others showered him in motivational cheer "hah! Look at him! Crying like a baby again!" "this is what you get, thinking you can be a hero, you'll probably keel over and die during training!"

Bakugou grinned with teeth kicked the smaller in the stomach earning a pained grunt as the boy fell over on the side now clutching his stomach in pain coughing for the air that was knocked out of him "oi Deku" bakugou crouched down to level with izuku taking a large handful of curly forest green hair and forcing his head up to look at the blond boy "aren't you tired of this? Why do you even show up anymore?" izuku, still clutching his arm, yelped when his hair was pulled back harshly forcing him to look up at bakugo. Bakugo, in turn, sneered at him before chuckling.

"Here, I'll do you one solid, take a swan dive off a roof and hope for a quick in your next life!" bakugo cackled before dropping his hair forcing the boy to yelp as his head hit the ground resulting in a small migraine that quickly developed.

And with that, he was finally left alone.

Izuku stayed on the floor for a few moments before slowly getting up and packing the rest of his things.

Now outside of the school, he went to retrieve his book from the koi pond, sighing in relief when he found he was still able to read the waterlogged pages, if not with a little struggle due to smeared ink, but he would have to start over in a new book.

Now on autopilot he swung his thankfully untouched ratty yellow bag over his shoulder and started down the route to his home unknowingly dissociating, he didn't notice the manhole cover sliding out of place before his nostrils were assaulted with a horrible smell akin to rotting meat and maggots, he gagged when something with a slimy texture began to force its way through clenched teeth, he struggled to claw at the slime as black spots filled his vision, his efforts became weaker and weaker before he blacked out.

(Skipping to the scene where all might fucks up cause this chapter is already long enough and I can't write all that)

Izuku blinks as his surroundings slowly come back to him, he was on a roof? Why? Oh. He was attacked by a sludge villain and saved by All Might who deflated? And told him about this gnarly scar he got in a villain fight, and then he crushed izuku dreams, oh great, it's raining now.

Izuku sighed as he delved deeper into his thoughts each one getting progressively darker-maybe he should take kacchans advice-izuku smiled bitterly as he calmly removed his shoes, new unshed tears finally falling as he shrugged off his backpack, he felt at peace, the rain pelted on his face as he stepped on the edge of the roof ledge opening his arms wide before falling back to his demise.

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