[chapter 2] birth of the storm dragon

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Body horror(?)

Minor cursing (like one word)

Hawks frowned at the sudden influx of rain, the weather forecast said it was gonna be perfectly sunny, a great day to try a new patrol route in Musutafu, he was flying to where he was called in for a villain attack as the heroes that were already on the scene weren't doing anything-amateurs honestly- when it started rain harshly, thunder and lightning quaking in the clouds, it's fine though, he'll just take care of the villain and end patrol early.

As hawks flew through the air he noticed a silhouette on the edge of a roof, hoping it wasn't what he assumed he quickly positioned his wings to glide forward to the roof of a rather tall building, as he got closer he noticed the person was a boy, around the age of 13-14 with wet forest green hair and too pale skin, his stomach quickly dropped as the boy opened his arms and turned around before taking a breath "kid!" hawks yelled out but the kid seemed to lost to hear him, the kid-that's a fucking child!-fell backward off the roof to his death as hawks quickly curled his wings around him fighting against the rain which only served to slow him down, hawks could just barely close enough to see the content smile on the boy's face which only served to shatter his heart more before his body made a harsh impact with the ground.

An agonizing wet crunch like biting into an apple, frail bones snapping like toothpicks, hawks winces as he slowed his descent his feet meeting the floor as he stood to the left of the poor boy kneeling to check his pulse, he was dead.

blood sluggishly oozed from the body his forest green hair now an ugly mess between swampy green and maroon red, his black muddle school uniform becoming even darker at the contact of blood, his ribs had caved in from impact most likely severely damaging his lungs, his right arm was forced out of his shoulder socket and fingers bent at unnatural angles, his left arm bent in three different places, the bone in his elbow had broken through the skin, his legs were mangled and practically destroyed with his left foot turned backward and his spine was most likely shattered from the way he landed, even if the boy did survive it would be hell to continue to live.

Hawks sighed guilt seeping into his soul like tar as he pulled out his phone to call the police, if only he had been faster, or there earlier then the boy might still live on, hawks couldn't bear to look at the boy any longer as he turned around with his back to the boy's corpse putting his phone up to his ear as he waited for the police to pick up.

By now the thunder and lightning had started to pick up, small bolts started to rain down on mortal lands, he scoffed when it took longer for the police to pick up anxious to not be out here any longer, he looked up for a moment seeing lighting flash in the clouds overhead and thunder roar in the distance and for a moment he could see something, a very large silhouette flash in the clouds, something lizardlike, as the thunder boomed before suddenly, right behind him, lightning struck down, right on the corpse of a dead boy.

Hawks stumbled forward from the impact his ears ringing slightly from how loud it was, thankfully he was facing backward so the flash didn't affect him, he quickly turned around to the boy to see scorch marks all around the boy, his blood crusted and being washed away by the rain, his middle school uniform scorched, excess lightning dancing all around him and in his hair which had turned a snowy white with forest green highlights, hawks watched confused as the boy began to convulse violently, letting out horrifying gurgles as blood bubbled up from his mouth, his body began to crack, his fingers moving sporadically as they healed, his legs twisting and bending in unnatural ways.

Hawks' attention was brought back to his phone when the police finally picked up the phone "hello? This is Musutafu police, how may I help you" a lady picked up the phone "u-uh yes hello, this is pro hero hawks, I'm calling to report a suicide but I think the kids quirk activated after his corpse was struck by lightning, right now he's convulsing and his body is apparently healing itself, I request an ambulance right now I'm near the shopping district to the left of the park" the woman on the other line seemed shocked before focusing once more "alright, an ambulance is on their way, can you please inform me of the victims status" hawks scanned over the boy once more before listing out his status "before his quirk acted up his right hand was broken and arm forced out of the socket, left arm bent in multiple part and spine and legs practically destroyed, thats only from what I can see, right now hes healing but his bones also seem to be rearanging themselves" he stated before hearing sirens.

He walked out of the alleyway he was in waving over the ambulance, he ran back into the alleyway to see the boy had stopped convulsing but his body was still changing, he knelt down pressing two fingers on the boy's wrist and sighed with relief when he felt a pulse, he soon moved out of the way allowing paramedics to place the boy on a gurney before taking him away staring as anxiety sturred in his gut "you can come with, hawks." a female paramedic said with a nervous but calm smile "sure, ill tag along"

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