[Chapter 8] And so it Starts

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Sense deprivation
Mentioned coma
Slight panic attack


(For those who want a time update, its been about two and a half months since izuku woke up from his coma which means it's october now! And that also means that izuku is now up and running! He'll still have to do some physical therapy since he still trips and stumbles sometimes but he can still walk and run for the most part without any support!

Also Middle school for izuku ends in December before the summer break bc I didnt think ahead about how much time wanted izuku to be in the hospital while also trying to make it as realistic as possible for the amount of time spent on him doing physical therapy)

Izuku awoke unsurprisingly slow, his senses had been shut down all at once meaning that he was gaining each of them back at a slow pace, his whole body felt tingly as his finger twitched slightly before he managed to let out a weak keen from the back of his throat.

He felt something to the left of his bed jolt before feeling a hand lay in his hair, not being able to hear or see and only being able to smell the heavy antiseptic in the room and nothing else rightfully had him panicking.

He felt a distressed whine coming up before the rest of his senses managed to chat his up with him.

First his hearing came back

He heard two voices, one deeper than the other but the younger sounding one sounded much more familiar than the older-but his instincts screamed that the younger was kin, apart of his hoard-, but he couldn't quiet make everything out as it all sounded underwater.

At the same time he managed to open his eyes, his pupils immediately adjusting to the sudden light, though it was blurry he could still make out two people that were in the room with him, especially the significant bright red wings-Hawks! Hawks! Comfort sad pain? Angry?-izuku let out a soft crone as hawks needed his fingers through his hair.

"Hey there baby bird..you had us worried there for a moment"

The man smiled comfortingly as izuku saw the faint fear in the mans eyes-sad! Comfort, he needs comfort! Comfort him! Apologize!- the boy nuzzled the man hand letting out a soft chuff "sorry.."he croaked out realizing just how soar his throat was from screaming.

Hawks handed him a plastic cup filled with water and helped him sit-up to drink, izuku greedily drunk the water before speaking again, this time less raspy than moments ago "what...happen" hawks' smiled lowered into something more serious yet still kept its smile "you had a nightmare, I think, and lost control of your quirk"

It was quiet for a moment before hawks began to speak again "any sedation the nurses used wouldn't work so I had to call someone in to erase your quirk" he said calmly, using his words cautiously, izuku looked away from hawks to the man sitting in the corner of the room next to the door holding a large cup of black coffee "eraserhead" izuku muttered looking at the man dressed in a black jumpsuit with combat boots and a long grey scarf wrapped around his neck with wide eyes.

Eraserheads eyes widened just a tad before his schooled his expression again "surprised you know of me, then I assume you know my quirk" he raised an eyebrow and izuku brightened straightening up immediately "y-yes! Your quirk allows you to erase both emitter and transformative quirks but not mutations since those are permanent"

The only thing that stopped him rambling more was his sore throat, he coughed a bit wincing at the pain before taking a fresh gulp of water, the pain instantly easing.

"You know your stuff kid, that will make this easier for me then" he hummed taking another sip of his coffee "since its very clear that you have no control over your quirk whatsoever hawks here has decided to start training you and your quirk once your discharged from the hospital, I'll just be sticking around to make sure you don't lose control of your quirk again" izuku sat there for a moment his sleepy brain taking a while to process the new information,

Once he finally understood he turned to face hawks with pure glee in his eyes "your training me?!" He squealed letting a giddy grin overtake his face "yeah! You said you wanted to be a hero, didn't you baby bird"

Izuku beamed setting down his cup before going to hug the avian hero whispering his gratitude over and over into the mans shoulder before eventually letting go eraserhead eventually stood up walking to the door "well considering you awake and perfectly fine and its 8 at night I'll be going now"

Izuku looked out of the window seeing it was indeed night time and sighed "I'm sorry for keeping you up so late" izuku said guiltily "nah its fine, it was my choice to stay up this late, now you" he paused poking the boys nose resulting in a giggle "should get some sleep, don't want you cranky in the morning" he said with a teasing smile.

Izuku nodded making himself comfortable as much as he could in the bed as hawks got up to turn out the lights before returning to the boys side in his chair.

"Night hawks"

"Night baby bird"


I hope you all enjoy today's chapter!
Please tell me anyway I can improve my writing and also point out if there are any words I spelled incorrectly!

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