Project Phoenix (1)

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Black and Yellow flashes of light...

The unmistakable sound of thunder...

The howling wind...


[Operation complete.]

A bright light fills my vision once more but this time, it clears to reveal Shanghai, the capital city of the Dragon Empery. It's one of the biggest decisions I made shortly after becoming the Empress. Our old capital was far too close to the Sakura Empire for my liking. That's not to say it would be hard for them to attack Shanghai either but at least, we'd have enough time to prepare a defence.

What's more, we've expanded it by a large amount since arriving in this world. Now, it's a bustling hub of trade and commerce. I'd even argue that with the technology we brought back and how willing the people were to learn new things, it's perhaps one of the most advanced cities in the world. Even so, it's a far cry from our old world's capital. There's only so much we can do with the world's current level of technology. 


Still, as I slowly move towards the shore I can't help but notice the massive platforms erected around the port in the open sea. Some of them are semi-automated turrets but the majority are little more than floating bunkers with the guns of a warship for offensive capabilities. I doubt they'd be easy to take out in the event of an actual fight and with the other girls of Dragon Empery assisting, it's quite the impenetrable harbour. At least when attacking from the sea. 

Despite all these advancements, however, no one seemingly detects me as I enter the harbour. I admit it wouldn't be easy to spot me with the naked eye given both Jiangsu and I are not using our ships in their true forms but that doesn't mean we shouldn't at least be detected or spotted by a stray gaze! What's going on?

Me: Stay on guard.

Jiangsu's expression tells me she doesn't know why I've told her to do so but she nevertheless prepares for combat, arming her rig in the process. As we continue making our way deeper into the harbour, I scan the shoreline for any signs of life but everything seems abandoned and it's not until I reach the main port that I figure out why.

????: Surrender now and I...

Up ahead, I'm surprised to find a fleet of what looks like Sakura Empire girls in a stand-off with our forces that have seemingly been driven onto land. Unsure how I could have missed them up to this point or how they still haven't recognised the two carriers now positioned behind their force, I decide to take the initiative and rather than approach them diplomatically, I open fire. 

With my entire airwing unprepared, I swap to my guns using consecutive barrages as my method of attack. The result is devastating and as my sister joins in, the Sakura girls quickly surrender, possibly out of fear of being overrun.

????: The Empress has returned!

With the initial declaration made, it doesn't take long before everyone within a ten-mile radius has heard that I'm back. Even as I walk with the soldiers escorting our prisoners to have them interrogated, I'm swarmed by countless citizens eager to welcome me back. I'd initially thought that they would be wary of me or even against my return due to my extended absence but instead, it's as though I never left. 

Yat-Sen: I'm pleased that you've returned safely

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Yat-Sen: I'm pleased that you've returned safely. 

Me: Hopefully not too late.

Yat-Sen: I'd say perfectly timed as always.

Laughing, I pull her into a brief hug before asking how everyone has managed to recognise me despite my shift in appearance. The response is as vague as an answer could possibly be but rather than focus on the topic I let it slide, for now, using the opportunity to introduce my little sister to Yat-Sen and the other girls who've by now also caught up to us.

Much to my surprise, Chang Chun and Jiangsu seemingly become friends immediately, with the former introducing my sister to the other girls of the Dragon Empery that are about their age. As they converse, exchanging experiences, I refocus on Yat-Sen but before I can ask her what happened to lead the Sakura Empire to breach our defences, she brings up something else entirely.

Yat-Sen: Seeing them together reminds me, we've almost finished work on the project you'd left in the works. 

Me: Does that mean she's finished?

Yat-Sen: Well...

Me: Take me to see her.


Ships (Dragon Empery): New + Original

Type 003-class Carrier: Zhejiang, Jiangsu

Yat Sen-class Light Cruisers: Yat Sen
Chao Ho-class Light Cruisers: Chao Ho and Ying Swei
Ning Hai-class Light Cruisers: Ning Hai and Ping Hai

Anshan-class Destroyers: An Shan, Chang Chun, Fu Shun, Tai Yuan
Type 055-class Destroyer: Dalian

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