chapter 1

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The underground, it's filled with people it's busy as a bee, walking through the crowd trying to get past.

"where are they," I think to myself as I carry on walking, deciding to go somewhere quieter, a bit more empty, heading towards the upper levels through the elevator to see if they were up here.

standing in the elevator waiting, once it stops I headed out and continued walking, as I was about to go around a corner, to hear the sound of fighting going on stopping I look around the corner to see what's going on.

"4 of the children I was trying to find were in a fight".

my eyes twitch as I watch what's happens then i seeing powder run off in a different direction from someone following her, following them to find there at one of the docks.

"What is she holding?" I thought to myself, 'Splash!!' looking back at the man standing at the edge looking into the water where the bag was thrown in, then powder disappearing.

walking back to the underground looking around seeing the people that were in that fight shouting at each other, just walking past them instead of getting involved.

When I got to the underground I look in shops and pay for some food for the way back and started walking to get to the bar to go see Vander and tell him what happened as I enter opening the doors I go up to the bar and ask for a drink.

Once I got one I go looking for Vander, finding him sitting at a table with others, walking up to that table tapping his shoulder.

"I need to talk to you" filling him in what I saw as I take sips from my drink as he starts to head towards the room with of them in it. a couple of minutes after he disappeared through the door

Grabbing a seat to continue drinking my drink, there's a bit of shouting but it stops after a while.

Once you finished your drink you head out the door going to head somewhere, but then you see Vander with a bag of items and rush up to him to join him as we walked.

As we headed into a shop, he sat down and I stood near the door as the two talked and that then 2 enforcers came in and started to question him one getting told to leave slamming the door on his way out while the other stayed to talk to vander listening closely to what is being said I hear.

"they want a name -- to put someone in bars -- if not they will bring an army of enforcers down" As the lady places a tube down on the table leaving through the door looking at me as she passes by.

Heading right out the door before looking back at vander, opening the door, walking out. going back down the streets going through a door and down a couple of stairs, opening the door into Powder's and Vi's room looking around

"Hay powder am back" spotting a blue hair girl pop her head around a corner looking at me smiling.

"YOUR BACK!! Darci, When are you gonna takeeee your mask off, I wanna know what coloured hair you have! It's been sooo boring" She shouts then goes quiet as she carries on speaking

"Here I'll take off my mask, but promise you'll keep it a secret, alright" I whisper as I take my hand up to my mask to take it off, grabbing the mask, taking it off my face slowly

Putting it down to the side on a table Powder's eyes widened staring at me

"Your eyes are soo pretty, how did you get that scar, I love your h/c hair!!" She speaks, putting my finger up to my lips in front of my face telling her to be quieter.

"How is your glitter bomb going," I ask changing the subject, as I take a look in the direction where she makes her stuff and that, going towards the desk

"Well uhh they're not exactly working yet, they are only small explosives, when I tried it," she said quietly, once I got to the desk with my mask in my I started looking through them.

"Would you like some help with them?" I ask while looking at her, nodding her head, I grab a couple of tools and one of the glitter bombs, we both start on looking and working on it talking about stuff as we work, for a few hours

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