chapter 10

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Waking up, as you roll out of bed, "yesterday was an eventful day" you think to yourself as you remember what happened, your surprise that you didn't get shouted at by Silco for drawing on the stuff in the office.

grabbing your clothes and getting changed into them. Opened the door of the room to leave and went into Jinx's room, walking in.

"Jinx, come on it's time to get up." You say looking towards her bed that she sleeps in, seeing her turn around.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me," you say turning out the door and into the hallway,  heading to the kitchen.

Looking in the cupboards looking for stuff to have for breakfast, opening the fridge and seeing bacon you grab it and put it onto the counter. And then started looking for a pan, seeing one on top of the shelves hopping up on the counter and standing up and snatching the pan from the top of the cupboard.

As you are about to get down from the counter you hear the click on the door opening meaning someone was entering the room.

Turning to see who it was, you miss placing your foot, slipping from the counter to the floor, but then suddenly you came to a stop in the air, feeling someone holding you so you don't fall.

Looking to see who it is. Silco? It was silco, why would he care if you fell, you think to yourself.

"You know that it's unsafe to stand up on the counter," he says looking down at you, pushing him as way as you get up.

"It was safe until you I lost track of what I was doing since you walked in here," you say to him.

"So would you like bacon and bread for breakfast?" you ask him looking in his way.

"Sounds lovely, darling," he says to you before leaving.

"Hey, stop calling me that" you yell at him before he leaves eyesight. Grabbing the pan and putting it onto the stove and turning it on.

About half an hour later

After you finished cooking the bacon, take out the bread and put butter onto it, then take the bacon and put it onto the bread, making a delicious bacon sandwich.

Taking two plates and heading to the table, put down one of the plates in front of Silco's seat and the other one in front of Jinx's seat heading back to get your plate, once you put yours in front of your seat.

"The breakfast is ready"
Knocking on Silco's office door not waiting for an answer you go and get Jinx opening her door.

"Jinx honey, breakfasts ready," you say, seeing jinx sitting on the floor drawing.

"Ohh what's for breakfast," she said looking up with curiosity.

"You'll see what it is once you get to the table," you say walking out of the room and back towards the table to start eating your breakfast before it gets too cold.

Once everyone was at the table you began to eat.

"This is really good," jinx says taking a big bite out of her sandwich.

"Thank you Jinx" you replied with also taking a bit out of your sandwich. Silco sitting there watching as he eats his food.

"What do you think about the food" looking at him.

"It's quite nice," he says to you.

After breakfast

Once breakfast was done, you head back to your room, heading to your desk to do some of your work, grabbing a pen and paper as you start sketching up ideas and writing notes down on sheets of paper.

Stopping as you hear knocks on your door.

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