chapter 9

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Still holding onto Jinx's hand as you both walk around the streets, heading back to the last drop but going in a slightly different door into the building.

Walking through the hallway, then opening the door into your room as quietly as you could taking Jinx in with you, sitting Jinx on the flood, grabbing a brush and pulling a chair over to her and then taking her hair bubble out and taking the brush, brushing it through her hair softly, putting the brush down as you start to separate her longish hair into three making plait.

Smiling as you turn her around fixing the front of her hair. Looking around your room, seeing your plants remembering that they haven't been watered in a while.

"I'll be right back, Honey," you say as you head out the door going to the kitchen, once you get there you open a cupboard near the sink and grab a small watering can, turning on the tap and putting the watering car under it waiting for it to fill up.

Turning the tap off and grabbing the watering can leaving the kitchen walking back down the hallway to get to your room, you end up bumping into someone and getting some water on them

"Oh. Sorry" you say as you lift your head to see who it was and to say your face became bright red as blood reached your face and ears in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry!" You say as fast as you could, before hurrying off to your room still holding your watering can.

Opening the door of your room, face still red out of all the people here you had to walk into Silco and spill water on him.

Gripping the watering can as you walk over to your plants and pour the water into the pots.

"Why is your face red? Are you sick" you hear from next to you turning around to face Jinx to see that's she is watching everything you do.

"No am not sick, am just very warm that's all," you say looking at her as you continue watering your plants.

After you were finished, you look over to your window with a glowing blue flower and another reddish-pink plant. grabbing the glowing blue flower in a small pot, and handing it over to Jinx.

"Hay I found this a while ago," you say to her as she looks at it with wide eyes.

"It's soooo pretty," she says happily, holding it in her hands.

"Come on let's put it in your room, then head to get dinner," you say opening your door for Jinx, when she passes you and walks to the room next to yours opening the door and walking in.

Standing at her door watching as she puts the flower on her windowsill, and then turning out and heading out of the room, following her as we get to the table.

Taking our seats at the table, it's quiet, as Silco keeps giving us death glares. Deciding you've had enough of him Staring at you both, locking eyes with him as you Stare back at him.

Giving up knowing that he won't back down, you carry on eating your food.

After dinner

"Thanks, for the food," you say nodding your head as you sit up from your seat and waiting for Jinx to stand up from her seat.

"Come on Jinx it's time for bed," you say looking over at her. Both of you heading out of the room and down the hall into Jinx's room. Watching jinx climb into her bed, you walk up to her and tuck her in.

"Good night, honey," you say as she is about to fall asleep.

"Good night... mum." She says before closing her eye, freezing as you hear the words. Then you start to smile as you do a fist pump in the air.

"She sees me as her mum," you think happily as you start to head out the door into the hallways.

Seeing that Silco's office light was still on you decide to just walk into the room. Seeing him sitting in his chair, the stuff on his desk still coloured in and not cleaned up. And them Slamming something into his desk, look like a syringe.

"Y/n what have I told you about the door," he says annoyed looking at you.

"Do you need any help?" You say pointing at the syringe.

"That would be helpful," he says picking it up and passing it to you.

"Where does it need to go," you ask, as he points to his eye

"In the eye," you ask just to make sure

"Yes, darling in the eye," he says. Going to the opposite side of him and sitting on the dest to be right in front of him

"Come closer," you say, as he moves closer you grab his face, getting the syringe and lining it up to his eye and then press the button stabbing him in the eye as he recoiled in pain and a purple liquid falls down his face from his eye.

"Thank you, you should be going to sleep now. It's late" he says as turns to look at you.

"Alright. Good night Silco" you say getting off the desk and leaving the room.

Closing the door you just hear him saying "good night y/n" smiling to yourself as you get to your room and just falls asleep

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