chapter 16

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Lifting your head from your desk, your neck sore from falling asleep in your chair. Turning about you look towards your bed to see Jinx fast asleep.

Standing up from your chair you take a look at the clock seeing it was about 8 ish. Grabbing a stuffed toy and putting it down near jinx in bed before heading out of the room.

Once you go down the hall you head to silco's office, opening the door without any warnings as all

"Heyy! silco," you announce as you flop down onto the red couch at the side of the office.

"Y/n, must you do that all the time?" he inquires.

"Yes, I'll always do it" you replayed fast, seeing him roll his her and taking a puff of his cigarette. Grabbing the cigarette to try yourself, before you even get the chance to put it near your mouth it gets taken away from you.

"No smoking for you darling, it's not good for you." You hear Silco say as he puts it into his ashtray, watching as the red glow goes into grey ash.

"If you say it's bad, why are you smoking?" You ask him watching his reaction.

"Because your no longer allowed to smoke," he says looking at you. Rolling your eyes.

"Fine, well I'll be going now," you say.

"Wait for a minute y/n I have something for you," he says opening a drawer, digging through it as he takes out a dark small box, bonding it in his hand before passing it over to you.

"I found this, it was meant to be for your birthday but I disappeared before I got the chance to give it to you," he says still holding the box.

"Here," he says passing it over to you.

"Open it when you're ready to,"

"Will do! And thank you, I'll see you later silco " You say before putting it into your pocket, as you you turn around you feel his eyes staring at you.

Heading back to your room to go and wake jinx up, opening your door to see her drawing on your desk, you don't really mind her drawing on your stuff as long as it's not important.

"Jinx, are you drawing on my desk again?" You ask her as she turns her head to look at you.

"Yes I won't make it more pretty, you don't mind do you?" She asks you.

"No, it's okay as long as you don't draw on any important paper or stuff, okay," you say walking into the room and flopping onto your bed.

"Jinx, honey am going to have a small sleep could you get me when it's lunchtime," you say to her.

"Okay, mum!" She says as she runs out the door closing the door quietly. Putting your head onto your pillow you fall asleep like a rock.

Waking to look over at the time, thinking it was about lunchtime but it was almost dinner time why didn't jinx wake you up? Getting up from the door tossing the blanket to the side and walking over to the door as you open it you see jinx was about to open the door.

"Mum! I was about to tell you that dinners were ready and that I didn't wake you up at lunchtime because silco said that he'll do it, he came back saying that you were fast asleep and you needed that sleep. So we didn't wake you up," she explains to you.

"Ah, well that's okay, I probably needed that sleep anyway," you say walking past her but not before ruffling her have up. Snicker as you head towards the dinner table.

Take a seat as you start to eat your food.

"This is delicious, how made it?" You ask looking up from your food.

"I and jinx made it while you were sleeping," Silco says.

"You both make this, you sound to make the food more often then," you say smiling happily that both jinx and silco are getting along.

After you were all down with your dinner, you clean up and then you all head to your room to get a nights rest.

Once you were in your room, take out the small box silco give you in the morning. Opening it up slowly to see a beautiful bracelet made of silver with a deer face on it.


"Silco what are you doing?"  You ask as the both of you wonder where you're not allowed to go.

"Silco! I don't think we should be here"  you say faster.

"Y/n it's okay, nothing bad will happen if am around," he says to you as he turns.

You're both on the upper ground in a small forest, looking for stuff for our boredom.

"Silco, I hear someone coming," you say quietly, seeing him claim up the tree, worried because you couldn't climb.

"Y/n, take my hand" you hear from above you as he holds out his hand to help you up. Watching an enforcer that carries on walking with no rest. them seeing a deer.

"Y/b you know you remind me of a deer, you stop when you're blinded by something you don't know,".

Back to normal

Putting on the bracelet and then covering it with your jacket sleeve deciding just to go to sleep as you were very tired.

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