19 ~ the party

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Am back, so uh I haven't posted for a while cause I have exams coming up very soon, soo I hope you guys enjoy this.


"Well we should be heading to the event now, shall we," Silco says as he holds his out for you to take.

As you both wall down the streets heading towards the building that's holding the event. which you still know anything about or it's just a big event that happens every year, but you'll find out at some point.

"Y/n before we enter the building I have something else for you," he says taking out a small black box and passing it to you, opening it to see a lovely gold necklace with a type of moth/bird (you can pick what one you would prefer) on it holding a F/c crystal.

"Oh, thank you Silco," you say, taking it out of the box and holding it.

"Could i" you hear Silco ask as he holds out his hand for you to give him the necklace.

"Of course" you hand it over to him, as he takes it, helping you to put it on, he moves your hair out (or not if it's short) of the way as he clips it together.

"Again thank you Silco this is a lovely gift," you say, as you both carry on walking.

"No problem as long as you like it, it will be yours,"

Once you both get there, putting on your mask as well as Silco, the doors open to reveal a huge hall with quite a lot of people in it all wearing masks and dresses, suits or just formal clothes that fit the themes, as the music plays in the background.

Taking Silco's hand as you walk into the building more, there are butlers walking all around the place handing out food and drinks, as one comes up to you both offering something to drink.

"Would you like some wine?" The butler asks as he holds the plates of drinks for you.

"Oh, thank you I'll take one please," you say when you take one from the plate Silco does the same, and then the butler runs off to please the other guests.

"Come on darling," you hear slico say as he grabs your hand again and takes you both towards a table with chairs, slico starts moving a chair for you to t take a seat in.

"Here you go love"

"Thank you," you say giving him a small smile, as he takes a seat next to you.

"So, slico are you going to tell me why we're here?" You question him because you guys are not a fan of big crowds, so he must be planning something.

"I know you would catch on at some point, but I should've told you earlier," he says Turing to face you.

"Go on then what are we doing here?"

"Mm, since am sort of the leader of the undercity some do not agree that I should be in charge,  which is why we are here, the guy that is running this party is one of them and I want to know what he is planning," he says to you.

"So what does he look like?" You ask.

"He is about the same height as me, has red hair, and should be wearing a goat mask," he tells you.

"We should slip up, and gather information," you suggest as you get up, when you're about to leave you feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Ah, before you go, be careful. After we get some information we should meet up and spend more time together " he says giving you a small smile before turning and walking off.


This is a little short but uh I need to find a way to put together an idea I have for this.

Steps in the wrong direction [Silco x reader]Where stories live. Discover now