chapter 3

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We both get up as fast as we can vander going to find benzo to head to his shop.

"Powder honey, you stay here, we'll be back as soon as possible, alright" not waiting on a replay as I head out the door catching up to vander and benzo. Once we get there opening the door.

"We don't have much time," Vander says, them having a small conversation as he starts to head to the door with Vi pushing her back then closes the door locking it.

"I'm guessing that's for me. " Grayson says standing at the door with the other enforcer, Marcus walking up to vander with handcuffs ready to use.

"You gonna let us make the arrest or not?" He Says aggressively.

"You'll oblige doomed man one last smoke" as vander take out his pipe and lights it, widening my eyes as I realise what's he's doing, still standing at the door puffing out his smoke saying "Won't you?".

The woman walked past me going up towards vander moving Marcus out of the way.

"I'm not putting you away, Vander."

"The Council need its pound of flesh." He says.

"Without you down here, it all falls apart".

"Benzo will handle things. I may not have my devilish charm, but he runs a tight ship." Vander says. as banging continues on one the other side of the door, you hear muffled shouting but not quite catch what was being said.

"You won't be coming back for a long time."

"I know," vander says as Marcus puts him in cuffs.

"Why?" she asks.

"Mm.... cause it's the only way" was the reply given.

As they head to the door "look after powder and vi for me" he says passing you. Once outside the shop, I stand at the door while they leave to watch them go.

But then a monster or whatever came out of nowhere, the Grayson pulls out her gun to shoot it.

"Hay. Stop right there!" and then getting hit, so many screams were made, the blood splashing on the window as she falls to the ground. all the other enforcers, soo lifeless on the ground.

"What the devil..." benzo says picking up a bit of metal to protect himself, you standing at the door lower your hand down to your daggers hovering over them.

Watching as someone comes out of the green mist, their footsteps loud.


My eyes widen hearing his name, "I haven't heard that name in years" I think to myself, looking in the direction of the man I was once friends with.

"You animal. Go crawl back into whatever hole you came out of." Heading Benzo as he walks towards Silco.

"Benzo, stay back," Vander warns him.

"You never did know when to walk away," Silco says.

"Wait," vander say as Benzo continues to walk towards Silco holding his weapon up, then tries to run at him, then the monster attacks him.

"No!" Vander shouts, turning my head away, not wanting to see the added lifeless body lying there. Vander falls to the ground.

"Hmm. Stubborn to the end."

"What the hell have you done? This wasn't the deal!" Marcus shouts looking around in shock Silco moves closer to him throwing a bag at him.

"Deal's changed" nodding his head for that purple monster to head towards Vander punching him right in the face knocking him out cold, staying in the Shadows away from eyes, as they walk away taking vander with him.

Marcus threw his bag of money on the ground after I see him leave, I head back onto the shop but stopped.

"Ekko I know you're there, come on," I say waiting for him to join me, seeing him he starts crying, going into the shop I then walk over to the door and open it Ekko going straight to Vi.

"I saw everything," he says and cries a bit more as Vi grabs him and pulls in for a hug, looking up at me.

"Be...Benzo. they.." Vi pulled him onto a deeper hug.

"What about vander?" She asks "they took him." I replied.

"Where?" She asks.

Steps in the wrong direction [Silco x reader]Where stories live. Discover now