chapter 12

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It's been about 4 weeks since Silco asked you to join him for this event thing, he hasn't told you what's it about yet so you have no idea what clothes to wear for it. Sitting at your desk making small clay figures, for ideas to make a gun you working on, getting fed up, you stand up from your desk taking a look at the clock to see it was about 4 in the morning.

Taking a quick look at the door, taking steps towards it as you hesitant opening it, walking down the hall towards the exit "am just taking a small walk, to calm my nerves" you says to yourself, trying to relax.

Opening the exit as you walk into the streets taken small breaths looking around the streets for anything to grab your attention and get your mind of stuff, seeing a small alleyway with dim light you decide to go down there. seeing some leaders decided to go up then as you climb up the ladders.

After you get to the top you see a sign saying 'Library' above the doorway, walking in to see someone at the counter, their eyes making contact with you as they give you a welcoming smile, taking a step into the library seeing the person more clearly, it's a woman, her eyes dull green, skin an ashy grey as though its never seen the sun, but her hair neat and looked after, it was orange and she had very nice features. Taking a couple of steps towards the counter.

"Ah hello and welcome to the small library, is there anything I could help you with?" She asks she says softly.

"Oh umm, I was just wondering If I could look around,  if that's alright," you say looking around at all the details in the room.

"Yes you can, it's a bit small but am sure you'll find some book you'll enjoy. Just follow me" she says coming from around the counter, making her way to another door in the door opening it.

"Come on," she says, as you start to follow her into the room, looking around it was filled with books some of them looked even older than you. Seeing a small table and chair, a dark red couch in the corner.

Listening to her as she tells you where what type of books are put and that.

"Alright if you need me I'll be over at the counter where we came in." She says looking at you pointing at the door. Nodding your head as you watch her leave.

Taking a look through the bookshelves, your eyes land on a book with a lovely golden pattern on the spine of the book, taken it to have a look at it as you read the title.

"The stars of night" you read quietly, taking the book over to the corner of the room where the dark red couch and took a seat on it, it was so soft and comfortable.

Opening up the book as you start to read it, it's about constellations of the stars as you carry on reading you feel your eyes grow heavy.

~After your small sleep~

"Excuses me, sorry to wake you"  you hear, feeling someone nudge you. Opening your eyes to see the lady look down at you, with an apology.

"Shit!" You say, sitting up as fast as you could your eyes landing on the woman.

"Am soooo sorry, but I have to go" you say in a rush, handing her the book as you dash out the door not waiting on a reply.

Climbing down the ladder, and going onto the streets to get to the last drop, opening up the doors and walking in as you start to head to another door before someone calls your name.

"Y/n! There you are, we were looking all over for you" you hear from across the room look to see who it was, yep of course it would be Sevika, Turing from the door and heading towards her.

"Sevika, it's been a while, how's the arm," you say looking where her arm used to be.

"Yeah about that, I was wondering if you could maybe work on making me a new arm," she says look at you waiting for a replay.

"Mm. sure just come to my room at some point tomorrow and I can see what I can do," you say taking a look at it.

"Also Silco what's to talk to you about something," she says, before drinking her drink.

"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow!" You say turning back to head through the door.

"Yep see you tomorrow".

Opening the door and walking in closing it quietly as you walk through the hall.

"Mum your back" you hear before getting tacked by a bunch of blue hair.

"Hello my small bluebell, I just didn't realise the time while I was out," you say smiling at her.

"Well, Silco was, worried about you, since you are normally the first one up".

"Oh, he worried about me" ruffling her hair.

"Alright, I'll be back later," you say walking towards his office.

Steps in the wrong direction [Silco x reader]Where stories live. Discover now