chapter 8

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Getting up from bed was difficult cause it was so nice and warm, but getting up anyway you go and put on your clothes since you have a day off.

Opening your bedroom door you go to the room next to yours to check if Jinx was there opening the door.

"Jinx, you up yet" you call into the room, seeing that she is not there you close the door and walk down the hallway looking for Jinx, you knew she was somewhere here since you could hear her laughter. As you walk down the hall seeing a shadow cross a window of Silco's office. Opening the door to see Jinx drawing on Silco's ashtray.

"Jinx? What are you doing" you ask, walking into the office, which there was no Slico insight, that's strange? Looking at Jinx she has a bag of crayons and pens, all across the floor. As she holds the ashtray drawing lines and patterns of colour on it.

"This place looked very dull, I wanted it more colour and happy," she says look at you

"Did I do something wrong?" She asks

"No you didn't,  may I join you?" You ask, nodding her head as she passes you some coloured crayons, grabbing a cup you start to doodle on it.

Looking back at Jinx she looks so happy there, smiling to yourself as You Finnish colouring it in, then remember something.


"Silco come on, your so slow," you say grabbing his hand, you wanted to show him something.

"Well, if you stop walking so fast I might be able to catch up," he says trying to keep up with you and trying his best not to trip.

"Ah! ah, you're like a snail" you say laughing as you two carry on walking. Getting to your destination, you came to a sudden stop. Turning around you cover his eye moving forward around a corner.

Uncovering his eyes as he sees beautiful greenish-yellow lights flying around the air.

"What do you think, I found it when I fell through the wall" saying it like it was a normal thing to do.

"It's beautiful," he says his eyes looking at it not taking them off the fireflies.

Back to normal

Grabbing the cup again and drawing a small snail on it with a bright pink crayon and putting it back down, looking at the clock on the wall it was pretty late, looking at Jinx seeing that's she drawn on stuff.

"Alright missy, we have to pick up all the pens and crayons before we leave," you say looking at her

"Okayyy" she drags out

After cleaning up, the stuff and leavening all the drawings there, you both run back to your room, giggling along the way.


Once it was lunchtime both you and Jinx started heading to the dining room, opening the doors and walking in.

Sitting down at the table, you both grab your warm food sitting on the table. Turning your head over to Silco seeing watch yous as you eat.

"How has your day been, y/n, jinx," he asks before taking a bit of his food.

"It been good we were just making stuff all day weren't we," you say winking at Jinx.

"Yeah! We made stuff, and y/n showed me how to make smoke bombs" she says happily.

When lunch was finished you and Jinx watch as Silco leaves the room.

"Uh, y/n do you know how he'll react?" She asks you.

"Nope not a clue, we might get shouted at but who knows," you say shrugging. Then heard angry muffled shouting coming from his office.

"Welp that's a queue to leave," you say making a face grabbing Jinx's hand. heading out of the room to leave out the back way.

Steps in the wrong direction [Silco x reader]Where stories live. Discover now