chapter 17

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There are 3 more days till you have that event you were in your room, opening a draw on your desk and taking out that envelope that Silco had given you.

Reading it, it says that you have to wear formal clothes and a mask is needed for this event so you can either get a dress or suit glaring over at your door, you stand up and walk over to it opening it and walking down the hall towards Silco's office.

Opening the door and taking a seat on his couch. Silco staring at you not boring to tell you to knock anymore.

"What do you want y/n?" He asks you settling his pen down on his desk. Smiling at him as you sit up from your seat.

"Well, you're going out shopping with me" you smile innocently at him as you walk over to his desk. setting your hands on the desk.

"And why do you think I will go," he asks raising his eyebrow at you.

"You're going to go or ill just drag you with me," you say staring at him.

"Fine I'll go, but why are we going shopping?" He questions.

"We have that event thing, did you forget about it?" You say laughing at him.

"Ahem, no I did not forget," he say quietly breaking eye contact with you.

"Shall we start heading then?" He asks you to move his chair to get up.

"Also don't worry about jinx, she's hanging out somewhere,"

Couple hours later

Walking along the street with silco next to you, the street is busy and crowded not great if you don't like people. Looking into the windows of the shop you see a lovely f/f crystal sitting in a small wooden box. Seeing silco walking up to you, you turn around.

"Find anything you like?" He asks looking at you his hands behind his back. As he gazes over at the window you were looking at.

"Alright, let's go and find us some clothes and a mask for this event," you say moving, waiting for silco.

Once you had located a shop that sells suits and dresses, walking into the small shop it was filled to the brink with all types of suits and dresses, it looked messy yet it seemed like it was all organized.

You and silco slit up Looking around the small shop, grabbing some suits and dresses. Going to find the owner of the shoo you walk up to the counter.

"Hello, uh do you have dressing rooms here?" You ask the Elderly woman sitting there.

"Oh, yes there is it's just down there and then go left," she says a small smile forming on her lips.

"Thank you very much," you say taking steps towards the dressing room. But not before walking into something. Falling over on top of whatever it was, look down to see it was silco.

"Ah, am so so so sorry," you say reality hitting you as you look to see what position you are both in, your face and ears turning beat red. Trying to get up as fast as you could.

"Well seems like your still clumsy in all ways Y/n," he says getting up as well.

"Am sorry am so sor-" you mumble before getting interrupted.

"Stop saying sorry," he says looking at you.

"So have you found something you like yet?" he asks helping change the atmosphere that you created.

"Oh, yeah I was about to try some on to see what one I like and what one fits the best," you say holding up the hangers with suits and dresses on them.

"What about you?" You ask him, as he holds out a bag with stuff in it. 'That was fast he doesn't waste time' you think to yourself.

"Well you better hurry and pick what you want before I do," he says pushing you to the changing room.

Deciding one wearing a (you can either pick a dress or suit it's up to you.)

dress - it's black at the bottom going into a dark red at the top with gold lining it at the bottom, at the end of the sleeve and the bit near the neck. With a pair of nice black shoes with no heals

Suit - the suit is black with a lined gold colour at the rim of the sleeves and the thing down the middle, the shirt is white, the tie is a red colour. The trousers are just black and so are the shoes.

Picking out the dress/suit you put everything away before walking up the counter, as you are about to say, silco stops you.

"Let me," he lets out as he hands the woman a small bag of coins. Walking out of the shop you give him a questioning look.

"Why did you pay for it?" You ask.

"Well I asked you to come with it wouldn't be fair to let you pay for a dress/suit that you'll only wear once," he says looking towards you.

"That sweet of you silco, but we still have to find masks," you say.

"Do not worry about that I've already a range someone to make one's for us," he says with a small smile on his face.

"Aw is that the great silco smiling," you say teasing him.

"Am regretting paying for that dress/suit y/n." He says jokingly nudging him.

"Come on let's head back" you say as you both walk back.


Sorry for not updating I've been busy with stuff and I've also been working on my oneshots and am also working on a Christmas special for this book there will be more details about it when I post it, it will be posted on Christmas at some point.

Also, I should be sleeping it's like half 3 and am still writing this.

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