chapter 7

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"I do believe the.. food is to your taste," Silco says looking at you, your eyes snapping to his.

"I haven't tried it yet, so I don't know" you replied with a smirk.

The food was soup with bread on the side. Picking up a spoon and dipping it in, try it, it was actually very nice. As you continue drinking? Eating? And dipping your bread into your soup. After you were almost finished, picking up the blow and put it to your mouth drinking it.

"Good soup," you say, laying back in your seat, to owder still eating her soup. And Silco looking as you, looking back at him. He's changed quite a bit, his hair cut shorter, neater and the scar on his face where his eye is, now his eye is interesting its sorts of black with red in it, looks like it hurt, like a lot.

A few weeks later

It's been a few weeks since everything happened since I work for Silco now. we made some deals he looks after Powder while am out doing my job and he gives us the stuff we need to survive.

Looking through the crowd trying to find your target, this person had a deal with Silco or something and the guy messed it up, so he decided to get me to get rid of him the description I got was, it was a male, about 5.4, dark hair, light clothes and a tattoo on the side of his face.

Eyes still scanning the crowd you find him. standing up from where you were, on a roof following him jumping from roof to pipes following him along the streets as they stop at an alleyway.

Stopping at well, watching them closely as they continue walking down the alley you decide to just to jump down and surprise them.

"Hello."  You say as you pull out your gun pointing it at them, not letting him say anything before pulling the trigger.

The body falling to the ground as you watch it, you crouch down and look through his stuff, grabbing coins. You get back up and head back to the last drop.

Opening the door, you head to Silco office, opening the door and walking in.

"What have I told you about knocking before, coming into this room," he says looking up from his paperwork to look at you.

"I don't know, if you don't want people coming in just put a lock on it." You say sitting on his desk.

"I've killed the man you wanted dead." You say look at him, with a coin in your hand as you flip it.

"Powder, the girl she is very creative. She has the same energy you do." He says as he continues doing his work.

"That's nice, what will we be having for lunch," you ask.

Couple hours later

"Powder! Where are you?" You say walking into another room.

"BOo!" Jumping in shock, you turn around to see that Powder was behind you.

"Powder?" Looking at her it looks like she's been crying. Walking towards you pick her up give her a big huge

"What's wrong? honey" you say

"I...I I, don't like my name.. it brings ba..back memories" she says as she sniffles, looking at you

"What name do you want?"

"I... I like Jinx" she says hugging you tighter. Putting her down, you look through your bag and take something out of it.

"This was meant to be for your birthday,  but you can have it now." Handing her over the blue and silver goggles.


Hay soo I haven't done much with Silco yet but I have a lot of ideas, am just figuring out where to put them in the story.

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