chapter 11

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Glimpsing towards your door, surprised to see Jinx come from the door when it opens, looking around the room.

"Am bored" she mumbles, looking back at you.

"I have the perfect idea," you say getting off of your chair and then turning around and looking under your bed, then pulling out an old-looking wooden box

"We can play some chess, remember how I showed you how to play?" Nodding her head as she comes to sit in the room with you.

Sitting down on the ground, setting it up as Jinx comes over to sit with you. The chess pieces and board were made of wood two different colours light brown and darkish red-brown the board was lined with gold. After you finished setting it out.

"You can start first," you say looking over at her, pointing at the lighter pieces on the board. Watching as she moves one of her pieces.

"It's your turn now," jinx says to you, picking up and placing it down. After a while, you watch as Jinx takes one of your pieces.


"Checkmate. I win, yet again," you say smiling, looking from the chessboard over to silco.

"I'll win next time," he says look at you.

"You say that all the time, but you always end up losing," you say laughing at him.

"Well am positive that I'll win next time," he says as he chuckles.

"Yeah right," you say putting the chess stuff back into the wooden box, looking back over at silco seeing that he's looking away from you. Grabbing your bag at your side and took out a small rock shaped like a snail.

"Here," you say holding it in your hand, passing it to you.

"What is it," he asks looking at you, taking it from your hands

"It's a snail, like you," you say smiling at him.

"When will you stop saying that am like a snail," he asks you

"Never" eyes making contact with his

"Thank you for the gift," he says pulling something out of his pocket and passing it to you.

End of flashback

"Y/n? Y/n, are you okay" you hear as Jinx looks at you.

"Yep, all it good, just thinking about stuff," you say reaching your hand down to your bag, touching a necklace as you both carry on playing the game of chess.

"I win," you say looking at Jinx.

"I'll beat you next time," she says looking at you playing around with some of the chess pieces.

"Sure you will," you say smiling then ruffling her hair making it messier.

"Hey, cut that out," she says pushing your arm away from her hair.

"What am just fixing your hair" grabbing the chess pieces, putting them away back into the box, once you finish you hear knocking at the door, both of you look at the door when it opens.

"Lunch is ready" you hear as you see Silco's head come around the corner and then disappears. Getting up and looking at the time you didn't realise how long you and Jinx were playing chess, guess time flies by when you're having fun.

"Let's go, Jinx," you say to her as you leave out the door into the hallway and down to the dining room, look at the table to see the food sat down, it was just cheese and bread. Taking a seat in your chair, you watch as the other 2 come and sit down.

"Soo Silco, anything interesting happened today?" You ask picking up your food.

"There is an event coming up soon and I need someone to go with it's for my job." He says watching you waiting for a reply.

"Who are you going with?" You ask as you carry on eating.

"I was hoping that you'll go with me," he says glaring over at Jinx.

"And I can get Sevika, to look after Jinx if you want to".

"Are you asking me out? how nice of you" you say smirking at him.

"No, no we're just going as friends," he says looking at you, feeling a bit disappointed when he says friends but you didn't show it.

"Sure I'll go, when is it?".

"It's in a couple of months," he says looking at you.

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