cedric diggory

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title : happier

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title : happier

forcing a smile onto her face whilst her friends went on about how fred didn't wait a moment to move on from their nearly 3 year relationship, y/n only played with the sleeve of her robe. trying to calm her own nerves and keep from crying but her eyes only pricked up with tears as words went on.

cedric had his eyes on the girl, noticing the tears that started to prickle at the corner of her eyes. he frowned knowing their friends words were getting to her.

standing up, they all turned to look at him, he quickly snatched y/n's arm. pulling her from the table with an soft look on his face. the entire hall went quiet as he pulled his robe around her, covering her teary face. she snuggled into his side in search of some sort of affection.

cedric looked back, sending a death glare straight at fred weasley who looked down at his plate then back at katie. "what a dick." cedric mumbled while she wiped her face when he pulled the robe off once they'd gotten a few corridors away from everyone else. "hey, it's okay."

looking down at the ground, y/n played with her fingers, "three years, three years i spent with that that jerk only for him to throw it away for katie bell?' I get it, he's happy but but.. how could he moved on so quickly?" cedric pulled her into his arms, she gently cried into his arms.

footsteps slapped against the ground along with heavy breaths, "l/n! diggory!" the girl hide herself into cedrics arms when ginger hair suddenly flashed, "george?" the twin nodded his head at cedrics question before going to face y/n.

"i am sorry, love. i didn't think he'd ever hurt you the way he did, especially moving on with woods ex girlfriend. i'm sure she's just a fling to get over you, he loves you so much. i just don't know what's gotten into him."

george looked at cedric, who's eyes stayed on the girl whom was clinging onto him. "take care of her mate." cedric nodded watching the twin walk away, an angry look on his face while he did so. that seemed to shock y/n, george never seemed more pissed at his brother than he did now.

"hey ced, i want to go back to the common room." the triwizard champion nodded his head, "this probably isn't the best time but l/n would you go with me to the yule ball?" a smile spread on her face but quickly vanished.

"wait a minute, that prick dumped me right before the ball, imagine you hadn't asked me who the hell would i go with?!" cedric smiled as she had basically said yes to his question whilst being angry at her ex.

he followed behind her as she uttered a sting of profanities whilst stomping her feet as though she were a child. how adorable. he'd thought.

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