cedric diggory

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title : the badger and the snake(Cedric is a 7th year)

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title : the badger and the snake
(Cedric is a 7th year)

"Hurry up, it's Y/N!" The 7th year Slytherin watched with an annoyed look as the younger years scurried past her. Avoiding all means of eye contact, she shook her head in annoyance. "Wussies."

"Oi! L/N, don't go scaring all the kids!" The girl looked over at the band of Hufflepuff boys that called to her. The only one she recognized being Cedric Diggory, who seemed annoyed by his friends remarks.

"And don't go hitting on the 3rd year girls again." She shot back at Hawthorne who's face fell as he immediately tried to defend himself while the girl kept walking.

Hearing footsteps coming up behind her, she immediately whipped out her wand and pointed it at the person coming. "Woah! Woah! Just me!" She lowered her wand seeing Diggory, "Is that supposed to be comforting or?"

He flicked her head, "Look, I just wanted to apologize for them, they're idiots." He spoke swiftly and softly, half expecting the girl to swoon but she just stared at him, slightly bored. "Okay?"

Cedric face fell into a confused one as the girl continued to leave but he walked up beside her, "Where are you headed? I could walk you?" She glanced over at him, half annoyed seeing as some of the students in the hallway were all turning to look at them.

"What do you want, hmm I'm not a toddler and i don't need my hand held." Cedric grinned down at her cheekily, "I didn't ask to hold your hand but i can if you'd like."

She bite her cheek to fight off a smile, "You don't have to apologize for your pig friends, you don't need to say anything to me actually, bye." She spun away on her heel, walking further ahead while Cedric only watched the girl leave, unsure how to make her stay.

She was feisty that was for sure.


It had became a bit of a habit for Cedric to come and follow Y/N wherever she goes. She sure was getting sick of it, especially now that rumor had circulated around the castle that she had 'charmed' her way into his heart. As in she used a bloody love potion on the bastard.

She hadn't done anything but be mean to him, and yet he was still waiting outside the Slytherin common room as he did most mornings. Today was different though as today was a Hogsmeade trip.

And while most people should be charmed that one of the four Triwizard champions has the hots for them, it pissed of Y/N. She didn't want a boyfriend, she wanted to spend her life as a 6th year student completely boyfriend free.

Boy free. Female free. Unicorn free.

She just wanted to spend time with her girls, but no, Cedric swooped down to take her hand. Sending her a bright grin, finding her appearance rather cute as she stood in a pair of vintage flare jeans, a slytherin green sweatshirt, along with its matching scarf and ear mufflers that sat on her head.

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