fred weasley

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title : I've got my eye on you

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title : I've got my eye on you

Y/N walked down the slightly empty corridors of Hogwarts on her way to the Hufflepuff corridors after dinner. It was only slightly empty as there were a few students left in the corridor.

The 5th year girl wrote on her parchment as she wanted to complete Snape's essay assignment already when she heard a loud bang. The girl looked up in confusion, eyes falling to the first year who was now covered in color bomb powder.

The boy obviously upset as the other students laughed at him, seemed to tear up. She slowly approached the boy, not sure how to go about the situation. "Seems like you've fallen victim to the twins."

She spoke softly, he flinched about to run when she gently took his hand. "It's okay, here let me help you." He stood still looking around as the other students walked away.

Y/N pulled out wipes from her satchel, gently rubbing the boys face. "What's your name?" She asked as she got another wipe, she could use magic but she knew the cleaning spell wouldn't quite get everything off. "Luke.."

"Well Luke, you were very brave, I saw you holding your tears back, I would have cried." No, she wouldn't have. "Brave?"

He questioned, "Everyone laughed." He reminded the girl, "And yet, you didn't cry. You're a mighty brave, Slytherin, you know." She finished her cleaning job with a small spell to make sure he didn't have any color left on his clothes.

"What's your name?" The Hufflepuff girl smiled sweetly, "Y/N, my names Y/N." He nodded, thanking her before running off to the Slytherin dorms. The girl shook her head before grabbing her things and going the opposite direction of the boy.

Unbeknownst to her, a certain Weasley twin had been hiding just around the corner long enough to see her sweet interaction with the boy. She had no clue that she now had the Weasley wrapped around her fingers.


The following day, Y/N walked into the Great Hall ready for breakfast only to be met with a firework display. She flinched having not expected a firework show at 7 in the morning.

She watched amazed none the less, she hated the sound of fireworks and was glad to hear no banging. Just the colors popping ahead of them. Looking around to find the Twins she knew had done it, she found a certain one already looking at her.

The Hufflepuff girl sent the Gryffindor a soft grin before following her friends to the table as the fireworks went off. "Wonder who those twins were trying to serenade." Cedric commented, Y/N looked at him confused. "Serenade?"

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