sirius black

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title : amortenia

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title : amortenia

y/n laughed happily while walking with her friends, clad in her blue robes, her pearly white teeth on display. unbeknownst to her, she caught a certain dark haired males attention who had a gentle smile on his face as he watched her walk. his friends staring at him with amused looks.

"looks like the holmes girl has caught your attention ehh padfoot." james joked softly hitting sirius's shoulder, "recon i should make her my next conquest." he responded causing remus to roll his eyes and peter to whine in protest.

"holmes is a really nice girl but she says she hates you." he spoke nervously looking down at his feet as james patted his head gently, "hear that padfoot, the pretty girl hates you." sirius scoffed at their words, "no girl hates me, they'd die to get a chance in my pants."

he went quiet for a moment whilst leaning against the castle walls, "how'd you get that information anyways, worm tail?" peter grinned shyly at the taller boy, "she's been tutoring me in herbology! i asked if she liked any of you and she said she hates the lot of you."

the 3 males mouths dropped open in shock, remus being the most in shock since most everyone liked him and hated the other two. james was offended and sirius was just surprised while peter shrunk back realizing he exposed his tutor.

"excuse me?! what, why me?!" james shouted gaining the attention of passing by students, "well james, you because of how much you bother lily and bully severus, sirius because you're a 'manwhore', who's most likely to catch a case- whatever that means. and remus because- actually, not you."

"well that makes sense." remus spoke rather knowingly, receiving sharp glares from both sirius and james. "that hardly makes any sense when lily loves me and severus is a prick." they nodded in agreement while remus rolled his eyes.

"come on y/n, just pick somebody! everyone has their eyes on you." violet spoke enthusiastically, pointing at a group of boys that stared at her best friend from down the corridor. they quickly looked away realizing they'd caught her attention.

"yeah whatever." y/n replied, walking down the corridor when someone grabbed her hand. she snatched her hand back and growled angrily noticing who it was who had grabbed her. "don't touch me, black."

he faked a small pout, "what's wrong, deary? you're my future girlfriend or should we skip a few chapters and make it wife?" she scoffed in amusement while violet laughed beside her, "mm sure, i will take the black name but from your brother."

james burst into laughter while remus chuckled softly under his breath. sirius felt hurt but played it off, "you don't like me much, do you l/n?" the girl shook her head in response already bored with the conversation. "you don't know me."

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