hermione granger

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title name : my fair lady

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title name : my fair lady

Y/N stormed away from her date, aka Draco Malfoy, he was a good friend but a lousy date. The girl believe she looked far too pretty to be kept around sitting beside her friends instead of dancing. But looked to find that Draco had other ideas, deciding to sit cooly after only a few dances.

Draco called after the girl but she was already heading out of the hall, figuring she'd might as well go to bed. She came to a halt in her rather quick getaway when she found Hermione Granger, sobbing on the staircase.

Her mind raced with questions on what she should do, her mind telling her to walk past her and drop a snarky comment. The two girls hated each other after all, rivals, enemies, whatever you wanted to call them, that's what they were.

For the past 4 years, the two girls had disliked each other, Hermione was a little intolerable to all 1st year due to her curiosity and happiness to learn. In 2nd year, the two girls were potions partners and had blown up a cauldron and blamed the other, in reality it was the Weasley twins.

In 3rd year, they were both academic rivals and on opposing sides of the Harry vs. Draco shenanigans. And well 4th year, they hadn't spoken at all, not even in the four shared classes they had. The distaste for the other was just there in the air.

But as she stared at the sobbing Hermione, she felt bad, truly, she did. They hadn't always been hostile, Y/N having went to comfort Hermione in 1st year only to have to fight off a Troll. But due to a rather displeasing comment from Ron, the relationship between the girl and the trio went sour.

Despite wanting to leave, Y/N put her dress under her as she sat down beside Hermione. The girl flinched seeing Y/N sitting down beside her, "I really don't want to argue, right now."

Hermione sniffled, Y/N stretched out her legs, pulling off her heels and setting them down beside Hermione's. "I don't either.. what's wrong?"

"Why do you care?" Hermione asked, a little annoyed and a little confused, "I don't. You just look like you need an ear to rant too, I'm not doing anything, let it out."

Hermione stared at the girl, who sat on the step below her yet laid back cooly on the stone steps. "It's Ron, that arsehole had spoiled everything, I waited for him to ask me and he didn't, he tried to ask out Fleur and then I was asked by Krum."

Y/N nodded her head, silently telling Hermione to continue, which she did, "And so Ron did ask me, but only as a last resort so I came with Krum. And I had a wonderful time but Ron started opening his mouth-."

Hermione cut herself off to process everything, "He does have a knack for being an arse. Every time I've spoke to him he makes a comment about me being evil or a Slytherin. Like dude, I was just eating an apple, no need to get angsty."

A small laugh escaped Hermione's lips as she wiped away her tears, "He does have a foul mouth doesn't he?" The two girls shared a laugh, one girl in a flow-y pink dress and the other in a flow-y silver dress. "He's a jerk, Granger, that's been obvious for years but I suppose he's jealous."

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