hermione granger

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chapter title : pretty like sunsets

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chapter title : pretty like sunsets

"Harry!" Hermione and Y/N's voices chorused in unison seeing as the chosen one had made a hilarious mistake. Ron's bright laugh danced around the room while Harry laid on the floor of the Weasley living room. It was Easter holiday, the group had rounded about to Y/N and Ron's home.

"See I told you that wasn't a good idea." Hermione laughed at Y/N's teasing tone as she helped the boy up from the floor. "What was that noise?!"

Molly Weasley called as she entered the living room to find the usual four, Ron and Y/N were twins after all and made so much ruckus. "Harry's fallen off his broom, mum."

The girl motioned to the now fallen broom, Molly placed her hands on her hips before scolding Harry for his indoor broom usage. "I'm going to go repack my things." Ron called turning to Hermione who stood up as well, "I'll go with you."

Y/N frowned watching them leave, something was going on between the two and for some reason it broke her heart. She watched them disappear, "I'll be by the lake."

She stood up, heading out of the burrow, she was confused. About everything. She'd been well aware of her ever so obvious affection for girls and boys, she'd never been one to deny that to herself. But still she felt ashamed.

No one knew. Not even Harry who'd been her best friend since 1st year. She was scared of what they'd think, of what they'd say.

And the worst part of it was that she knew she was growing to like her other best friend, Hermione. Hermione who was pretty like a good book, pretty like the sky, and pretty like the sunsets.

"What's got you down little one?" The girl jumped slightly when Fred appeared besides her, he joined her on the ground. Leaning back on the palms of his hands. Other than George, Y/N had always been his favorite sibling.

"I'm fine." He glanced over at her, "You can talk to me, I know you're far from fine." She leaned her head down into her knees, which she'd pulled up into her chest. "Does this have something to do with a boy?"

Fred inquired, leaning forwards to gage her reaction, "Is this about your slimeball ex? I thought I'd hexed him enough for you last year." She grinned slightly at the memories of Davies being hexed, but she shook her head.

"This about.. a girl?" She flinched at the question, shooting him over a glare, "That's not funny." Fred raised a knowing brow at her, "But it's true, right?" She went to get up but he grabbed her hand to make her stay.

"I don't care who you like, alright? Boy, girl, unicorn, you're my little sister, I won't ever say anything or let someone say anything that will upset you. Understand?" She nodded but didn't meet his gaze, "Granger?"

She froze again but just stared at the lake, "I'm sorry, kid, I think you know as well as I do that-." "She's seeing, Ron?.. I know and that's why I feel like such an idiot, even if she even.. I wouldn't do that to Ron."

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