james potter

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chapter title : my mistake

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chapter title : my mistake

"So what exactly is your plans, Prongs?" Sirius asked as he was forced to stand lookout outside of a potions classroom while the two boys were supposed to be in transfiguration. "You'll see." James winked at his friend who rolled his eyes harshly, "This is going to be so stupid."

The students of said potions classroom all quickly left the room, James scanned over the heads until he'd found her, Y/N Moreu, a 6th year Ravenclaw that was the essence of beauty.

"Moreu!" The girl looked around confused for a moment when James suddenly grabbed her shoulder. "Oh, hello Potter." She greeted with a confused smile. "Moreu, hello, you're just the person I wanted to see."

James looked around then back at Sirius, who watched in confusion. "Look, I need a favor." She nodded her head slowly, "As you know, I have a crush on Lily Evans.. I heard from your friend, Hains that girls get jealous when they see their boy with someone else, so I was wondering-."

"That I fake date you to make, Lily Evans jealous?" James nodded eagerly, she smiled before placing a hand on his shoulder. "No way in Rowena."

She spun her around, her h/c flaying past her, effectively hitting James in the face. The boy smirked before jogging ahead of her and walking backwards to catch her eye. "Why not?"

"Why should I? I wouldn't get anything out of this. James smirked, leaning closer to her face, "You don't like Lily, imagine how infuriated you'd make her when she found out."

And that was true, Lily and Y/N always seemed to butt heads since 2nd year. They had a mutual respect for each other but didn't care to be friendly, at all.

She paused, looking up at him intrigued, "Sure.. but.. you can't kiss me and don't even think about touching me inappropriately or I'll hex your ass into stupidity, which.. won't take that many hexes."

James grinned down at her, taking her hand in his, he sent a thumbs up to a surprised Sirius who was still down the hall. "Alright, well let's make this official." She rolled her eyes but didn't fight against him, shoving her shoulder bag at him. "You can carry my book back, I don't let anyone touch my book bag so it'll be more believable."

He nodded his head, putting the bag over his shoulder, he had to admit, her warm hands fit into his perfectly. "So.. what's your favorite color?" The girl side eyed him with a disapproving look on her face. "Never mind then."

They walked in silence, occasionally bumping shoulders, Sirius long since disappeared. The pair arrived at the Great Hall where everyone was met having lunch. "Evans is gonna blow a gasket when she sees us."

Y/N called over to him, "Right, one more thing." James turned her by the side of her skirt just before they entered the hall. "You have to come to my quidditch games, I don't expect you to wear red but.. you have to be there."

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