blaise zabini

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title name : i don't love you

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title name : i don't love you

"Today's the day." Pansy spoke up, rather excited  for her friend, who lay on her bed, stomach first, head in pillow. "Don't be so excited, you know she doesn't want any of this." Millicent called back to Pansy.

It was Y/N's 18th birthday, the now 7th years had returned to Hogwarts following the war in hopes of finishing their education. Things were different now as everyone was rather peaceful these days, but still avoided most of the Slytherin's, who didn't mind and stuck to themselves.

"Oh, come on, you find out who your mother has selected you to marry, isn't that exciting?! I mean, your future begins today." Y/N sat up, having already been dressed for the day that would be spent in the common room seeing as it was a Saturday. "Hardly exciting. I could be married to an old man, you know."

Pansy rolled her eyes, "You're mother wouldn't allow that." Y/N's father would but he has no say, now that he's dead, which she didn't mind, he was horrid and abusive. He wasn't a dad.

Just then, there was a tapping at the window, the Higgs family owl, Pansy excitedly ran to the window. Grabbing the letter, she gave the owl a treat before allowing it to rest at the window sill. The girl then jumped onto Y/N's bed, Millicent hurriedly coming over to join.

"Go on, open it." Pansy handed it to Y/N, who pushed it back, "You do it." Pansy shared a look with Millicent who shrugged, Pansy huffed before opening up the letter. Her eyes racked over the words, "No way in Salazar's ass."

Y/N and Millicent shared an uneasy look when Pansy shot up, rushing out of the room, the two girls hurriedly followed. "Blaise Zabini, you've known you were engaged to Y/N for two whole weeks and you didn't tell me?!"

Everyone's jaw dropped as the boy remained unfazed by the accusation, "I'm engaged to Blaise?" Y/N questioned, Blaise's eyes followed her as she took the letter, re-reading it for a better understanding. "Does it matter?"

Blaise questioned lazily, "Wait, you said the letter got lost in the mail!" Draco pointed his finger at his friend, who shrugged, Y/N looked up at Blaise, "Well, at least you're not a wrinkly old man, or Draco-." She was cut off by a protested yell from Draco, "That's a relief."

She sighed, a little happy that she at least knew the person she'd marry, she headed down the stairs. "Well, looks like we're engaged." She fell back on the loveseat with a huff, "Whatever."

She looked over at him a little upset by his reaction, she frowned slightly before picking herself off the seat. "Come on, Pansy, Millie, the kitchen elves promised us a box of cupcakes." The three girls shared happy looks, excited for the sweets before heading out.

"Well, he certainly looked happy." Millicent grumbled a little upset with Blaise for his horrid reaction. "I'm sure he's just shocked." Pansy protested, nodding to reassure herself that that was the answer.

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