james potter

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chapter title : love is never logical

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chapter title : love is never logical

"Lily Evans!" The whole entirety of the Great Hall, including the teachers, turned to James Potter who stood atop of a the Gryffindor table. "Go out with me!"

Everyone turned to the easily spotted red head whose gaze filled with rage and horror, "No! And leave me alone, Potter!" James pouted but jumped down from the table, this was about a daily occurrence now.

But still, it hurt his heart when he was rejected, he sighed sitting down on the table with his friends, Remus gently patted his back. "When are you giving up on that?" Sirius rolled his eyes, while he admired his friend's dedication, it was getting sad.

"Never, she'll fall for me soon enough." Peter shook his head with a sigh, James looked between his friends, "Have you stopped believing in me?"

"Look, James, there are plenty of girls at this school, any of which would want to go out with you. I just, we don't see why you chose to hurt yourself when there are other fish in the see." Remus explained slowly, not wanting to piss of James.

"I don't want anyone else, okay. This is gonna work." They dropped the conversation sending James rising anger, he didn't mean to be so upset or rude. But truly he was confused on why he hadn't given up yet either, apart of him knew that this was hopeless and another part told him to keep fighting.

But still, James head dropped onto the palm of his hands, he needed a distraction. Maybe get his mind of Lily for a while and regroup once he'd grown as a person or a partner.

And that's when he heard it, a boisterous laugh coming from the Slytherin table across the hall. There in all her shining glory, sat Y/N Avery besides Regulus Black, Severus Snape and Cady Parkinson. "Who's that?" James questioned, Sirius looked up and searched for who James was looking for. "My brother?"

"No, the girl beside him." Sirius looked over, smirk on his lips, "Y/N Avery, she's a year younger then us, my baby brothers best friend." James nodded his head, taking in the new information, Sirius didn't know of the plan brewing in his best friends head.

"Oi Avery." Y/N turned around quickly in confusion, causing her to smack into James Potters chest, "Why'd you shout if you were right behind me, you blood Gryffindork."

James raised an eyebrow at her sass, "Gryffindork? That's a new one." She stared at him unimpressed, "What do you want?" James smirked at her, arms behind his back as his eyes danced around her face. She was pretty, anyone with eyes could see that.

"I want you to go out with me." A laugh of amusement escaped her lips, "That's a good one, Potter." She turned around, walking off, James shook his head in confusion before hurrying after the girl. "I'm serious."

"You are not, Sirius or serious. K? You're James Potter, the Lily Evans kiss ass, the boy in love with red, the dumbass of Gryffindor, the-." "Okay, okay, I get it, but I saw you in the hall yesterday and I wanted to take you out."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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