weasley twins

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title : time before the change

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title : time before the change

1st Year

Fred and George trailed behind their older brothers, Bill leading the way as he opened an empty apartment. "Now, Fred, George behave, we'll come check on you every once in a while. Percy you're with them, understand."

Percy went to argue but Charlie shut the door of the compartment while sticking his tongue out at Percy, who balled his fists. The twins sat near the window, silently communicating before they began their previously planned attack on Percy.

Only stopping when the compartment door opened to reveal Oliver Wood, "Boys, come on now." They let go of Percy reluctantly, who sent his friend a grateful look as he entered the compartment. "Hold on." He stuck his head out of the door, "Y/N, come on."

He pulled in a short, brunette haired girl, who seemed embarrassed. "I don't want to sit with your weird friend." She complained as Percy sent her an annoyed look, "Gee thanks."

Oliver shook his head, "To bad, mum said I have to take you with me." She grumbled slightly but took a seat beside Fred, but her eyes had met George's right before his own.

Almost instantly did George Weasley fall in love. And so did she. Fred watched the light fall upon his best friend and twin brothers face. He smirked slightly seeing the look on his brothers face.

He turned to get a better look at the girl, his eyes found hers, she sent him a friendly grin but Fred had immediately turned away. He knew George had fallen for her already but he himself felt strange for the girl.

He could only hope he was able to stay away from her, he didn't want to interact with her so that the weird feeling didn't expand. But of course, it didn't work out very well for Fred Weasley.

No, it did not.

Y/N and George had become "best friends", so she was always around Fred. She was a Gryffindor, on the Quidditch Team and in almost every one of Fred's classes. It was impossible to ignore her.

Every day, George fell more and more in love, Fred, of course, knew of this and had to listen to all of George's rants about how sure he was that Y/N and himself were soulmates. Fred was a good brother and agreed every time, even though it broke his heart.

"Fred, do you think she'd say yes if I asked her to marry me?" George asked suddenly, the night before the Quidditch World Cup, Fred tried to ignore him and pretend he was asleep but he threw a pillow at him. "I know you're awake."

"Can we not talk about her for one night?" Fred asked slightly annoyed, "Fine but answer the question for my peace of mind."

"Yes, Georgie, she'd say yes."

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