draco malfoy

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title : break my heart again

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title : break my heart again

"didn't he cheat on her or something?"
"why is she still with him?"
"she deserves better that that."
"she needs to dump him."

y/n sighed as she held onto her boyfriends hand, draco malfoy was her betrothed husband and she adored him with every bone in her body. heaven knows she'd go to the ends of the earth for him.

but everyone knew he wouldn't do the same.

while he cared for her and enjoyed her company, he couldn't imagine himself marrying her. hell, he hated the idea of seeing her at the end of the alter, but he didn't have any choice.

the moment she had chosen draco as her betrothed was the moment he couldn't be free. he was already a married man and he was only 16. hell, y/n was only 9 when she had chosen, he was her closest friend and she was okay with the idea of marrying him.

also the fact she had a crush on him at the time. and here they are in their 5th year, hand in hand down the hall, she no longer wore her usual smile, she was to tired to smile now.

although she loved draco, her feelings having grown stronger since she was a child, she knew he would never love her. she knew just like the rest of the school that he had cheated on her with pansy parkinson.

her heart was in broken but she hadn't an option of letting him go nor did she truly want too.

her eyes snapped up when she felt draco stiffen. "potter, how's your new scar healing up?" she locked eyes with harry, "you still with this arse? after what he did too you, come on l/n, you deserve better-."

"don't talk to my girlfriend like that, potter. mind your business-." he began to pull out his wand, y/n quickly pushed his hand back, "stop it, draco!"

"you need to learn to keep quiet when an issue doesn't concern you!" he growled into her ear, he turned back around and continued to argue with harry. y/n let out a breath, the boy she loved all those years ago was long gone.

"i hate you.." both boys stopped in their tracks, draco turned around slowly to see her e/c eyes filled with hurt and anger. "what?" she shook her head and started to leave, harry choosing not to follow as he watched draco stumble after her.

"y/n? stop, talk to me." he begged grabbing onto her arm, "what's there to talk about?" she looked into his eyes, he stared at her uncertain, "why do you hate me so much draco? what did i do wrong?"

"i-i don't, you didn't do anythin-." she scoffed under her breath, "don't lie to me! you cheat on me with my friend, you ignore me and my messages, and you treat me like i am some sort of object!"

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