theodore nott

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title name : to be loved is to be changed

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title name : to be loved is to be changed

"Oi! Thomas!"

Y/N Thomas turned her head with a rather bored expression on her face seeing as it was Seamus who was calling her from her friends. "What?" She called before he began to mimic the way Fred Weasley asked Angelina Johnson to the Yule Ball.

The girl grimaced, eyeing her brother who was likely behind this, she sent him a glare, "No way in bloody hell." The girl turned back to face the front while the boy beside her tried to hide the amused smirk on his face.

Theodore Nótt. He was a rather handsome boy, tall and lean, but he was quiet and when he did speak he was rather crude to the girl.

"Something funny?" The girl grumbled under her breath, half expecting him not to respond as she worked on her transfiguration essay. "Just your face."

Her jaw slacked as she shot the boy a glare, "That's funny coming from someone whose head is unusually large for their body." It was Theo's turn to glare, which he did, "Sorry, did I hurt your feelings?"

Theo found the gryffindor girl rather amusing but he'd only met her with bored expression. "If I cared about how you felt of me then maybe, but I don't care about anything concerning you."

Finding no comeback, she bite her tongue and looked away, grumbling under her breath while he looked at her amused again. Only this time, he didn't let her see his amusement.

"What do you mean no?" Y/N looked up with a groan seeing a now offended Seamus standing before her. "I mean exactly that 'no', go with Dean."

Seamus let out an offended gasp, "Oh, come on, Y/N, you and I both know you don't have a date, look I don't want you getting your feelings hurt when you're the only girl at the ball without a date."

Her jaw fell slightly in offense but it was true, no one other than Seamus had asked her. And she had half a mind to not go, why would she want to go somewhere where everyone would have a date and she'd be alone?

But her anger got the best of her. "I do have a date actually!" She proclaimed, getting a surprised look from both boys that stood on either side of her. "What?!" Seamus screeched slightly, the girl nodded firmly, though she hoped he didn't ask for who it was.

"Who?!" Both boys looked interested in her answer, she held back a groan, "I'm ugh I'm ugh I'm going with.. Theo!" She grabbed his hand, she did expect him to slap her away and make her a fool for a moment.

But he didn't, allowing her to raise his hand in the air, Seamus jaw dropped even further, turning to Dean in confusion. "Mr. Finnigan, will you please return to your seat and stop disturbing my classroom?!"

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