Annabeth Always Has a Plan

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um... i hope ya'll aren't offended by foul language, because Annabeth doesn't hold back in this one lol :)

ANNABETH CONSIDERED HERSELF a relatively level-headed person.

Sure, she had her moments, like any other human being- when she was overly tired or particularly stressed, she might snap or make a comment she'd regret. But for the most part, it was uncharacteristic of her to lash out. She wasn't as impulsive as Percy, or some of the other ADHD demigods that floated around camp. She liked to think that she thought things through before acting on any decision. After all, Athena always had a plan.

But Daisy had just told her bed-ridden boyfriend "We need you as bait" and she was seeing red.

Annabeth didn't realize that she was moving forward to slap the Inhuman until the smack of her hand against Daisy's cheek echoed throughout the room. She was vaguely aware of Percy moving to sit up, to grab her arm and calm her down, but she was having none of it.

"Tell me it was a joke," she seethed, a breath from Daisy's face. The agent had set her jaw, but her eyes were easy to read. They were heavy with regret, which only enraged Annabeth more. "It better fucking be a joke. After everything I told you? And your fucking 'I'm sorry's?'"

The blonde thrust a finger back at Percy. She was shaking with anger. Annabeth couldn't remember the last time she'd been this mad.  "He woke up from a coma this morning. Because of Ward. Because of you. And you want to use him as bait?"

"Annabeth-" Percy warned. She spun on her heel, gray eyes ablaze. 

"Oh, don't start," she growled lowly. Her voice quivered dangerously, seconds from screaming or crying or both.  "Don't fucking start. We all know how much you love your self-sacrificial shit. You don't get to do that to me. You don't. Not after the shit show we just got out of."

Percy flinched at her words, expression hurt. His fingers twitched, wanting to do something, but he hadn't the slightest clue what. Daisy took advantage of his hesitance.

"Annabeth, I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't think there was any other way. If we send you home, Ward's going to come after you. We might as well be there when he does. If we don't stop him now, he'll never stop coming."

"The same way you wouldn't have kidnapped us if you knew how fucked our lives already were? If you'd thought for a second about how we're teenagers before trying to make us government property? No. Fuck that. Fuck you," the demigod fired off at Daisy. She looked back at Percy, eyebrows raised. "Fuck you, too."

The dark haired demigod gaped at her. "Wise Girl-"

"Nope. No. Gods, this is-" she laughed, near hysterics, "-this is good. I need a break. I'm done with this."

Daisy didn't make a move to stop her when Annabeth stepped around her and left through the door, slamming it shut with a bang that made the last two remaining flinch.

Percy groaned immediately, dropping his head into his hands. He carded his fingers through his dark hair, pulling at his waves in a way that must have been painful. He cursed shortly.

Daisy shifted uncomfortably. Her face burned where Annabeth had hit her, but she didn't dare mention it. She'd deserved it. She deserved worse, honestly. "I-"

"Thanks for that," the demigod breathed out, still yanking. "Really, thank you. That was really awesome. That was great. I really enjoyed that."

"I didn't mean-"

"It doesn't really matter what you meant, does it? You did it, and-" Percy cut himself off abruptly with a hiss of pain; a hand flew up to his shoulder as a red hot heat burnt threw him. He probably shouldn't have jostled it so much while it was still healing from minor surgery. Maybe he shouldn't really be doing anything after getting kidnapped and tortured for a few days before flooding an underground base, but that wasn't really up to him, was it? And that wasn't even his biggest problem right now.

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