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"Alright," Percy sighed, scrubbing a hand through his now damp locks as he plopped down on the small black leather couch. Annabeth flinched backwards at the assault of water droplets, glaring at her boyfriend. He was oblivious to her annoyance, his attention entranced with the large living area they found themselves in. Daisy sat opposite of the two teens in the center circle of chairs and couches, the circle of which was dwarfed by the sheer size of the room. A granite clad counter lined the far wall, marking a wall of cabinets filled with liquor and glasses. The largest flat-screen Percy had ever seen triumphed the other. Warm light spilled in from the ceiling, detailed in gold glass planes that hid the source but diffused the rays evenly throughout the room. He imagined this place could have once been part of the playboy mansion.

"What's our first question?" he asked, casually throwing an arm around his girlfriend as though they were in his apartment and not in a government compound. The dark brunette smirked at the two, especially when the blonde tried to fight out of Jackson's grip, only for him to tighten his hold with a smug smile. The teen seemed to be overflowing with energy, contrasting what he had been an hour earlier- exhausted, "hungry, gross, (and) annoyed" (to quote him). The agent didn't know where it came from, but appreciated it anyhow.

"We have to wait for the others, first," she informed him, leaning down to adjust the end of her dark jeggings. "Glad to know you're so eager, though."

"Tell us about yourself, then," Annabeth said suddenly, jabbing Percy in the ribs with her elbow. He jumped backwards with a hiss of pain, giving her the opportunity to duck under his arm and escape.

"Hey!" he complained, reaching for her again. She grabbed his wrist firmly, sending him a pointed look Daisy could only interpret as not right now. We're trying to be professional. Annabeth rolled her eyes as his face morphed into a pout, his bottom lip jutting out as his dark eyebrows knit together. He looked like a kicked puppy.

"Percy, stop," she mumbled weakly, on the edge of giving in to his antics. She leaned back into the couch before making eye contact with Daisy. Her grey irises startled the Inhuman into words, drawing her attention from the boy.

"What do you want to know?"

"What do we need to know?" Annabeth replied evenly, her eyebrow twitching upwards slightly.

Daisy laughed. "I used to be called Skye. Something Coulson hasn't entirely picked up on," she added with a roll of her eye, hoping that would win her over. By the frozen glare she received in returned, she guessed that it didn't.

"As you already know, I'm Inhuman," she continued, feeling a twinge of de ja vu to when S.H.I.E.L.D. first picked her up and Coulson allowed her to interrogate them instead of the other way around. Her face soured slightly at the memory of Ward, but she shook off the thought. "I uh, I control vibrations in things."

Percy's head jerked up, his rejection already forgotten in in exchange for rampant curiosity- god, he was hyper at the moment. "What does that mean?"

Daisy's lips curled into a sly smirk. "Why don't I show you?"

Her Hershey eyes scanned the room, past the two's inquisitive gazes, searching for a target. Her eyes finally settled on a small glass atop the bar. She assumed Hunter had left it behind from his last visit. She cautiously extended her hand, ignoring the small whisper in her brain that reminded her she wasn't wearing her gauntlets. Sure, the force might end up a little unfocused, but she was more concerned with showing off.

She narrowed her eyes in focus, twitching in excitement when the glass wobbled, dancing tentatively on the granite. She willed it to shatter, which it did... along with the glass cabinet and ceiling pane near it.

Wanted (A Percy Jackson/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover)Where stories live. Discover now