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Happy New Year guys! Sorry for the wait (I know I say that every time, I do mean it though! You guys are amazing and don't deserve this but I'm a slow writer I'm sorry!), hope it was worth it!

Oh, and let's say the whole Magnus Chase thing is after this predicament. :)

Annabeth took a deep breath to calm herself, avoiding eye contact with the other agents at the blonde doctor's sudden outburst. The group glanced about each other, unsure of what to do after Lincoln had dragged Daisy away to the corner of the lab, just far enough away to where they couldn't hear. Agent James, the brawny guard, awkwardly cleared his throat after a few moments of silence. He seemed desperate to escape the stiff environment, as did Annabeth. Solutions raced through her mind, such as asking for a better explanation to the whole inhuman situation, or the fact that Norse gods joined the Greek and Egyptian for being more than just mythology... but her mind itched with curiosity about something less trivial.

This Lincoln guy. He seemed much too uncomfortable for S.H.I.E.L.D. to be his permanent career- his posture had seemed guarded, unsure. She hated pity, but the empathetic look in his tawny eyes piqued her interest rather than insult. She had a feeling that he could be an ally if need be.

Her stormy gray eyes slowly flicked over to her subject of interest. His back was to her; his motions had grown to be more animated, and Daisy's face continued to harden as their conversation- rather, argument- continued.

Their voices began to rise, but were quickly brought down to a more manageable level. Agent Morse whistled when she followed Annabeth's eyeline. "This should be interesting."

Agent James rolled his eyes, crossing his arms brusquely. "How long is that going to take?"

Morse grimaced, narrowing her eyes at the two agents across the room as they marched further away, clearly not wanting to be heard- and evidently not planning on resolutions anytime soon. She shrugged before turning back to Annabeth with a sigh, scanning her quickly.

"Are you going to talk at all?"

It took Annabeth a second to realize she was talking to her. The blond shifted, her eyes snapping back to the agent at the desk. Tendrils of oily hair fell in her face, which she forced back behind her ear. Her ponytail holder had broken earlier, and her blonde curls grew unrulier with every passing minute sans a brush.

"If you talk, it will make all of our lives easier," Bobbi lamented absentmindedly, turning back to the computer. Annabeth studied the woman in front of her, psychoanalyzing her before she realized she was doing it. By her bored, stern expression, she obviously didn't want to be here: not necessarily with Annabeth, but stuck in a lab. Her build was an easy indicator that she was not solely a scientist; no, her talents reached far beyond that- something had happened to limit her to lab work. She was a field agent. Her blonde hair was curled flawlessly, her eye makeup applied lightly but precisely. Someone had free time.

"You can ignore me, but I'm telling you right now: this is a lot of freedom we're giving you here. We have much more uncomfortable, invasive ways of doing this. Just ask your boyfriend," she muttered the last part under her breath; if Annabeth had been focused she may have heard it, but fortunately she didn't. She didn't need any more excuses to seem weak in front of these people.

"What do you want to talk about?" she spat, not in fear, but annoyance. "It seems to me you don't need my help. Our DNA matches Thor's. Whoop de freaking do. You're not taking Thor into custody and accusing him of terrorism."

Agent James smirked, raising a finger. "Actually, we did once. Of course, that was before he saved the world..."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. Oh, so they'd be scot free if she told them about the Titan and Giant's War?

Wanted (A Percy Jackson/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover)Where stories live. Discover now