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Hey... what's this? A quarantine update?

This one is a little stronger in language, I apologize. There's a lot of frustration and confusion and I felt like it was appropriate in the context. Just wanted to give you a heads up!

As always, I really appreciate any thoughts or comments or just having you read! You all are what keeps me going. Thank you. 

See you at the end!


Leo had three thoughts.

One. Tony Stark was a lot shorter than he had thought.

Two. He'd had at least three Sprites at the shawarma place, but he didn't know how to ask Iron Man to use his bathroom.

Three. Percy and Annabeth might be dying while he's engaged in a staring contest with a thirteen-year-old.

The kid in question confused him. He had no idea who he was. From what he had garnered, they were on the personal floor of the billionaire himself. The boy's wet brunet curls suggested he had recently showered, and he was donned in M.I.T. sweatpants that were clearly too big for him. It seemed that the teen was right at home.

He resisted the urge to glance back at Stark to compare their brown eyes and jawlines.

Said man held the bridge of his nose between two rigid fingertips, his brow furrowed and mouth down turned into a frown. Leo could almost hear the gears in his head turning, trying desperately to wrap around the story they had given him. He tried to focus on that and not the rapid bouncing of his leg.

"What you're saying," he sighed, looking up tiredly. "If I'm hearing this correctly, is that you five-" he gestured to the group, "all know each other because of your strawberry summer camp. Adorable, by the way.  Very cute. And two of your favorite counselors got kidnapped from a McDonald's from an organization that hasn't been operational for years. Led by a man that's been dead since 2012."

Malcolm and Mary Kate shared a look. "Yes, sir," they confirmed, ignoring the technicality of Annabeth being a counselor. They figured they shouldn't push their luck.

Tony stood with a huff, straightening his shirt with a quick tug. "Peter, do you believe them?"

Leo quietly congratulated himself on his win when the boy's eyes tore away from his, meeting his mentor's without hesitation. He looked distressed. "I don't- I mean, I feel like I shouldn't, but-"

"Spit it out, kid."

He took a shaky breath, glancing back at the demigods crowded on the couch, worry lines set deep into his forehead. "Yes?"

The billionaire sniffed, grabbing his left arm. "Well, that's settled then. We believe you."

The demigods turned to him, mouths dropping in shock. Harriet made a choked noise, which Leo could only assume was in relief. "Don't get excited," he stopped them with a raised brow, "I only believe you because you were hell at lying earlier and it would be suicide to try and infiltrate my building with that bullshit as your backstory. I believe you, but I don't believe I'm getting the whole truth. I'm hoping that will all make this seem somewhat less of weird acid trip. So spill."

Malcolm opened his mouth, but the man cut him off.

"Also, you're going to have to explain your summer camp story a little more, because from what I can tell it doesn't exist. And it's very, very rare that I'm wrong."

The demigods looked at each, a resolute agreement coming to each of them. It was either tell the superhero-genius what they were and potentially get help to save their friends, or refuse and go to jail for trespassing for two to five years. 

Wanted (A Percy Jackson/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover)Where stories live. Discover now